ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They can attack from your shoulder and act as a quote un quote homing misleading when thrown at your enemies and when meat is put in their enemy it takes much longer to spoil (the way vaulters have a pretty strong bite but a rexes bite is more powerful but if you get your vaulter to 300% damage thatβs the same as a Rex which Is amazingly easy with a vulture as their damage every level when upgraded is amazing if you get it to 600% you basically have a giga on your shoulder
More Vulture Utility Tips
Can attack and harvest from your shoulder, Spoil time is much longer in a vulture. Sometimes will STACK PRIME when harvesting. Saved my argy's life when I disconnected while flying. A must have tame.
Vultures are the best against raider my base was getting raided omve the attackers got in my sun blocking flock of 57 vutures killed not only the raiders but there rex and two argys had the laugh of my life
Vulture base damage is 23 per bite. A rex is 62 damage per bite. So at 300% damage ( which is incredibly easy to get with a vulture ) you essentially have a rex biting from your shoulder every 2-4 seconds. A vulture can get 600%+ damage. In other words, tame two high levels and breed them for nothing but absolutely devastating damage.
-These guys have a flight pattern like no other making them hard to hit.
-They can sit on your shoulder and deal mass damage (way more than a Rex) every 4-6 seconds.
-When on your shoulder they gain levels quickly and collect meat, meaning you can just forget theyβre there.
-In a swarm you can have something like 68 vultures, ALL with bites worst than a Rex, team up and murder intruders.
-The main downside is that they wonβt attack on whistle or when you provoke, only when you or a fellow animal is hit does it attack.
Do what you will with this knowledge get an army as I have done or just a few more, but make sure you own a vulture
,Your Dododex Pal-CRABZ.
Vultures can attack from your shoulder, raise melee damage and they act like a 2nd weapon. In addition throwing them at an enemy turns them into a living tracking missile as they seek and destroy your attacker
Vulture Eggs are dropped by Vultures that's tamed. The egg can be eaten or used to make Basic Kibble for taming.
Signed yours truly Bob.
Vultures have the ability to keep meats from spoiling a lot longer. Just have the culture Harvest the corpse, as you cannot put the meat on it after the fact, and you should have that prime lasting for quite a while
I have been breeding these bad boys, I took out the 7 bred ones and watched them wreck an alpha raptor lvl 70 in 14.9 seconds. I ran up and punched 3 low level Rex's and two low
Level spinos and none of them got a second bite before being shredded. A must have for caving!
From my experience and apparently others, Vultures don't listen to attack target whistles. Someone earlier mentioned bringing a Dimorphodon into the mix to start combat alongside your pack of vultures, it's worth mentioning again.
Tame around 15-20 and take them everywhere with you. You'll be near invincible as in a flock they deal huge amounts of damage.