Okay so if your crazy (me) and have enough time to be constantly attacked and really like want them (me) if you know the underwater cave go there there is usually 1-6 of them inside and very high level I seen lv250 these in there however thereโ€™s like 100 megladons, 1000 eels that will lag you to death and an bunch of other nasty things soooโ€ฆ yeah I would recommend really high health to do this or clear the cave first and slowly get the target closer to the exit. Another important reminder on mobile you Tap the Kraken if it an feed one tame. swim right up to its beaks and tap it with Black pearl in the right slot bar AS IT GRABBING AN DINO (good chance of death it also advised using anything other them black pearl while taming would result in the Dinoโ€™s death unless it has an Giant health pool) another thing I would recommend Mossa or ples for this cave , ple are always in pairs of 2 and Mossa although intimidating are easy tame if you have good gear and fast dolphin tame .

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