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I managed to tame one of these easily by shooting it from afar and luring it into a tanning pen.

Then all you need is a slingshot or tranq arrows and a bow and it only takes about 20 hits to knock it out. Then put berries into its inventory and BOOM! Say hello to your new pet xx

Scroll down for how to build a taming pen——)


3 X 2 wooden foundations

2 high wooden walls

Replace one or two with wooden window frames

At the front put a Dino gate

Or on the side, put a wooden ramp

At the back put s wooden door for u to exit out of


Agro a Trike and make it chase you up the ramp and into the pen

It won’t be able to climb out. Once it is in, sprint out the back door.

Happy Shooting!


3 X 3 stone pillars + bear trap in the middle

Leave a one pillar gap so you can lure it in, like this:

O. O. O

O. W. O

O. O

Run in through here👆

The trike should fit in, and it will be stuck in th

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