ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

You can find them in way of red obelisk and blue obelisk in air
More Tapejara Everything Else Tips
Best underrated flyer, it's easy to maneuver around with this thing and it can latch onto walls, giant redwood trees and cliffs and this is the best way to tame dinos that don't have ranged, fly or climb abilities, I actually tamed a spino, rex, theris and so much more dinos with the use of a tape, would recommend taming, it's worth it, only downside is that it's a tad bit slower than a pteranodon and they're kinda rare, but with the use of a trap or bolas, you could easily tame one
This is actually the cheaper version of a griffin. It has everything a griffin can do but it does have two major flaws which make this tame pretty bad. Here are the flaws i’m actually talking about:
(1) Tapejaras cannot dive bomb. They don’t have the ability to.
(2) They cannot let the player hold any type of weaponry(except spyglass). You need to be on passenger seat to hold weapons.
Even if they have flaws, they do have some stuff which the griffin cannot do or does not have. This is what I’m talking about:
(1) Tapejara can hang on redwood trees or any type of hill or mountains vertically. This can help players to snipe other players(especially in pvp)
(2) Has a better stamina than the griffin. Normal griffins only have about 100-200 stam, tapes have more than 400 if you tame a high level.
(3) They have 3 passenger seats, the main(where the rider/controller of the mount sits), the back(near the tail), and the front(near the head). This can help tame dinos like the giga if you’re having problems.
(4) They have a decent speed while flying and they are relatively fast while sprinting in the air.
Thanks for listening! Bye!
Ok,lets Go on a TLC , First, touch damage, If It touchs anything that is aggro on Tapejara It Will deal damage tô the creature, Second, strafing buff, this would be like, u strafing = more damage, third, more damage and AOE, fourth Dive , like Griffin Just go UP and go down like a Rocket and BOOM A Lot of damage, five, more damage to bugs and agressive creatures( 25% for bugs and 15% for agressive ones,dmg buffs can Stack) and at the end but great, swimming/ floating + ocean cammo(ict one) bcuz bro, look at that Carpet inside the wings
One of the most skittish creatures in ark history.
Bro, when it says ‘Ridable while wielding weapon’, this is not applying to the Tapejara in Mobile.
Yo guys I'm tired of being in South zone and I'm getting a tree platform should I go to live in redwoods? Because it will make it easier for me to get metal dinos like the terrorbird etc so once I get my tape saddle and parace platform and tape saddle I'm gonna live in redwoods I'll just tleport my dinos up ill get up there with my tape so I'm really hoping to live in redwoods it's probably gonna be easier I might abandon my old base bc it's kinda old and small I'm gonna be living in redwoods I'm gonna be on tree platforms because of the dangerous creatures like terrorbirds and carnotaurus and hopefully I'll get a archeop bc they might land on my platform so it's gonna be great because redwoods have an abundancy of resources I might get better exp so I'm hoping to tame a quetz so guys once I get myself a tree platform I'm gonna live in redwoods I'll prob just visit my old base bc that's where I'll be keeping my old dinos it seems like a great idea because they might not adapt to redwoods I'll just Teleport my baryonyx up bc I want him to atleast see redwoods so guys wish me luck because I might not even be able to make it past redwoods without a flyer 😂 so I wish my best regards to my old dinos team I'll still visit them I'm gonna live really close to them so best regards to tank my paracertherium I'll prob Brin him once in awhile so wish me luck guys but bye
I play on mobile and I thought I could use weapons on them but whenever I switch seats this mf lands. is there anyway I can fly while shooting other creatures( I play singleplayer😭)
Very easy to tame, but once tamed, you can use it to stick to walls.
Who else tamed one because of neebs gaming?