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If you try to bola the Tapejara but miss, it’ll fly into the skies... and will stay in the skies! Bring Rare Flowers before trying to tame one just in case.

The way I tame Tapejaras is I bola it, and then I build a row of 5 Dino Gateways with gaps in between over the Tapejara, and then I close off the entrances with Dino Gates. Then, I’ll tranq it out.

If I miss the bola and the Tapejara takes off, then I’ll build the trap anyways, and leave the doors open. Then, I’ll fly up to the Tapejara, eat a rare flower, and lure the now aggressive Tapejara into the trap. I’ll dismount my flier (and leave my flier in the trap), quickly exit the trap and close the doors, and then wait for the Tapejara to stop attacking my mount. Then I’ll knock out the Tapejara.

These are the easiest methods I know of to tame a Tapejara. I hope this helps!

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