Local noob in mobile went hunting for explorer notes near the red obelisk. What a fool I was.

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Local noob in mobile went hunting for explorer notes near the red obelisk. What a fool I was.

According to my map, there were 3 notes on a stretch of coastline near the obelisk. So I sailed in on my wooden raft to go look for them.

On the other side of the beach, I spied a spino. And I didn’t like what I saw. So I sailed away, abandoned the quest and then opened it again to see if there was a note slightly closer to home.

It showed another note slightly further out, so I went for that one instead. But I saw another spino, and decided to retreat and see if it left. Because I’d never been spino’d before and I wasn’t about to start now, since I knew they were angry carnivores.

The spino left, and I came closer to the shoreline. Only to be targeted by a very, very angry sarco (level 7). Somehow I managed to kill it alone with just a spear. Then I did the smart thing and ditched the area, explorer notes be damned. The spino will be in my nightmares forever.

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