Chapter five of a new world of mystery’s:

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Chapter five of a new world of mystery’s:

As slyveevee was enjoying the throne one of her guards drake came in panicking “QUEEN THEY FOUND WHERE WE LIVE” said the guard “WHAT?!” Slyveevee said in anger knowing what to do she quickly told a lot of guards exept two to protect her outside the castle there were screams of terror and fear ‘they gotten in’ turning into a reaper she stormed out of the castle roaring in anger she attacked the intruders as raptor ran from doctor bubba slyveevee noticed raptor doesn’t like doctor bubba any more she attacked doctor bubba stronger than the last time she did when doctor bubba ran away she attacked the other intruders as the intruders yelled “RETREAT” slyveevee chased them out of the kingdom the dinos who live with her in her kingdom was shocked that there were intruders “build the gates stronger out of tek so they wont get in again” slyveevee said “yes our queen” as they started construction shinehorn made slyveevee a dress out of crystals and magenta fabric and a crown out of crystals as slyveevee put them on she heard something like someone being chased she asked a guard to see what it was the guards came back dragging a man who was hurt “let me speak to him” slyveevee said “yes our queen”. “So who hurt you” slyveevee said in a calm sweet voice the man said nothing “let me introduce myself im slyveevee, you?” She said “my name is cooper” the man replied “cooper who hurt you?” Slyveevee asked again “those people who do test on others and inject a blood into you” the man replied

As slyveevee was thinking ‘why hurt them and not turn them into what i am wait so they don’t have to deal with another of me’ “ok cooper” slyveevee responded then she asked for the guards to put them into a nice guest room. A guard came in hurt “THEY CAME BACK THEY ATTACKED ME WHEN I WAS GUARDING THE OUTSIDE OF THE GATE” the drake said in pain then slyveevee turned into a snow owl to heal them “there” she said “LEAVE MY KID ALONE” a female drake had said furious slyveevee turned into a reaper to get the baby back when slyveevee gave the kid back she turned back into her human form after that something said “well well well if it isn’t queen margenta” as they laughed slyveevee turned around to see it was doctor bubba “ well well well if it isn’t mr betrayer to put me in a cell mr hmm what was it oh now I remember Mr doctor bubbu” then she laughed. From behind doctor bubba cooper stood with a sword pointing at doctor bubba “one step closer and i’ll put my sword into you” cooper said as doctor bubba turned cooper had his sword ready to fight “ take it to the battle field” slyveevee said as they went to the battle field the men both went into the arena slyveevee sat on a throne watching from above the men fought to their death but when coopers sword was knocked out of his hand doctor bubba knocked him to the ground pointing his sword to coopers neck “any last words” doctor bubba said “no” having a sword on his belt he grabbed it and threw doctor bubba off they fought but in the end cooper became victorious as doctor bubba was lying on the ground dead “burry the man that died we dont want the body to stink up the place” slyveevee said after the body was buried the kingdom had a feast soon after they made tennis balls and a net to play tennis then one day a new person came into the tennis place “i would like to participate my name is patterson pat for short” said pat “ok well right this way” pat and cooper had a wild match (cooper was the champion of tennis never got beaten) but in the end pat won to slyveevees amazement she announced the new champion of tennis but after the match pat went to explore slyveevee liked how pat was she well lets say had a crush on pat and always wanted to see him again.

Hope yall enjoyed


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