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Elixir can also be used on passive tames such as this one. However, I've read on Reddit that somone used it on Shadowmane and that it restarted their taming to 30%. I was sort of scared because I was also going to tame Shadowmane at the time, and I was sure that I don't have enough fishes to tame high level (most of them were higher than 1.5, I think I had two of them like 1.3) I already included the fact that most of them are gonna probably spoil, as I don't remember that often to refresh them in water. I had some problems, as the game was really glitchy and I ran out of good fishes. So as you can tell I was forsed to use elixir. I took situation as if it finishes tame (Shadowmane at the time was st 70%) I'm gonna just put it in cryopod but if it restarts I'm gonna just give up since I didn't have any good fish left. I put elixir in my last slot and I slowly aproached Shadowmane as it was sleeping. I just looked at him and I pressed 0 (button for PC -last slot) and it was tamed! Pretty happy expirience, because it was my first time using elixir on Shadowmane. My first try taming Shadowmane was without elixir and it was also good! It was pretty low level so I didn't need that good fish. He died to another player killing us in half of the game R.I.P Safet (Safet is old Bosnian name XD)

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