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Note: this method requires a quetz. This is how we did it: we carried the little kitty back to the non-evil side of the map with our quetz and placed him in an open area with all dinosaurs killed beforehand. Do the usual where you feed it fish. Make sure you have your ghillie or eat cactus soup (or both). If its high level and you don't have enough time to tame him before night time, place a trap with stone doorways and carry the shadowmane with your quetz into the trap for the night. He won't lose taming during the night. That way you can also get more fish if you need to. Be aware that if you go too far he will unload and he will be able to leave the trap, so either leave a tribe member around to watch him or fish where you can see him. If you are using better dinos as of 06/11/21 , do not use wire baskets, it won't tame him.

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