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Who agrees that these things deserve to be buffed? On mobile, sarcos have trouble killing just about anything in their habitat. When they try to kill small animals such as dodos and lystros, their bad AI combined with their weird AOE means that they can’t even hit a dodo and they will get stuck on top of the dodo trying to hit it while the dodo just chills below its massive body. If you thought dodos were sitting ducks, a sarco attacking a dodo is just a big sitting duck on top of a small sitting duck 😂. For passive creatures such as phiomias, parasaurs, and moschops, sarcos have trouble catching up to them on land. For other river herbivores such as Castoroides (beaver) or carbonemys (turtle), sarcos almost always end up getting rekt trying to fight them. Their base hp and melee are both similar to that of the beaver, and while their melee is much higher than the turtle’s, their hp is much lower. Sarcos are probably the least dangerous mid/large predator to fight.

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