ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Royal Griffin Utility Tips
You should tame a level one with a soothing balm 10x cause if you tame a lvl 1 without a soothing balm it will take a hour to tame it with kibble so to tame this guy follow these steps:
1:First get a soothing balm 10x and allo
2: knock out the Griffin.
3:put the soothing balm and soothe it.
4:Put 3 allo kibble in it.
5:Wait to let it eat and be sure to bring narcotics.
6:BOOM😎😎.YOU GOT a low lvl griffin😔😔
Hey guys heres some tips on the Royal Griffin:
**Where do Griffins Spawn?**
They ONLY spawn at “Far’s Peak” which is a mountain near Carnivore Island
**How do i earn its respect?**
There is 3 ways to earn a Griffins respect, pay close attention: 1.Be above level 40 and have the same “surname” as the Griffin.
2.Be above level 85+ to earn low level Griffins respect,and be level 90-95 to be able have every Griffins respect.
3.Have Primal pass and unlock the golden crown to earn all Griffins respect.
**How do i get the same “surname” as an Griffin?**
A “surname” is the last 1-4 letters of the griffins name, for example ‘Clauzra’ the surname of the griffin is “ra” and if the last two letters of YOUR name is also “ra” you will automatically have the griffins respect.
**Here all Griffin surnames**
- mir - ‘i - na - den
- mu - an - ell - ssa
- zar - ric - on - ys
- go - ra - lot - gast
!!You cannot tame a Griffin if it doesn't respect you!!
Good luck survivors!
When you have 2 opposite gender griffins and breed , you get an egg. When the egg hatches it will say 'Insecure , Will Not Accept Food.' Ive learned that to make it feel secure , you must bring it's mother close to it. The father griffin will NOT work. Tysm For Reading! -Orchid Dragon
You can gain the respect of a griffin at level 40 if you have the same surname as one. I don't have them all memorized but the surname I typically use is mu. If you put this at the end of your name you can gain the respect of a griffin at level 40 and tame one early game instead of late game being a very useful tame with their speed. Up so more people can see.
Griffins are pretty fun to fly around, personally it wasn’t hard to tame but they were low levels (27) so ima tell you about how they fly and since this is the mobile version of griffins I’m explain how to get the hang of it. As your sprint and face your griffin downwards, they do something called “dive” and you basically gain more speed and the more you look downwards the faster you go and if you do this and dive straight to the ground you cause area damage maybe around 60 damage. Another thing is if you dive but instead of hitting the ground and you look upwards and start flying normally you keep the speed for a little longer making your “sprinting” speed faster than usual, the boost in speed’s time limit depends on how long and how fast your were diving too. Also if you have anything in your players hand, for example a spyglass, it would not allow your griffin to dive, your players hands have to be empty in order to do it. A griffin also doesn’t require a saddle, like a dire wolf and a griffin is able to carry two passengers so if your flying around, high above the ground and you notice that you about to run out of stamina and don’t have time to go to the ground you can just switch sits and your griffin slowly regains it’s stamina. A griffin can fly the same way as a tapejara, they can fly from side to side and front and back, they don’t fly as good as a tapejara but still very similar. I would really recommend on getting he gold chain for your griffin to boost its stamina and speed helps out a lot. I also recommend on breeding and imprinting on a baby as quick as you can to get the best experience of fly around on a griffin, anyways that’s pretty much it that you need to know of flying a griffin I hope this helped out in anyway possible and wish you the best. -V
THEY WILL NOT MATE UNLESS THEY HAVE THE SAME SURNAME! I didn't know that when I tamed a pair of Royal Griffins, now I have to go hunt down another low level Griffin that shares one of their last names and is of the opposite sex, then tame that one. Let me make that mistake for you.