ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Royal Griffin Stories Tips
So I was taking a 135 and I knocked out, put in my soothing balm and waited for it to eat my kibble, I put spikes around it just in case. Then when I came back it was at like 83 percent and I was pumped, I leave it for a second to go get my Pteranodon but it was gone, then when I looked back THESE FREAKING BUMHOLES WERE KILLING IT AND MY PTERANODON WENT TO GO FIGHT THEM AND IT DIED. So then I get SUPER PISSED OFF and I pull my gigs and call the tribe to hunt them down and kill them, we found their base with the parasaur and then we POPCORNED EVERYTHING, KILLED ALL OF THEIR TAMES, AND DESTROYED THEIR BASE, they got super mad and left the server and I eventually found a 145 and tamed it peacefully.
The End.
I was going on a hike with my giga named Compy and my Compy named Giga, so no one gets confused i will call my Giga named Compy One, and my Compy named Giga Two. So we were going up a mountain and FINALLY got to the top, and Two (Compy named Giga) thought it was a good idea to bite a Royal Griffin. The royal griffin then killed Two and killed me, i went back up the mountain with my pteranodon named Flying Dodo quickly… One (Giga named Compy) died!!! I worked so hard on taming One. And so i quickly tried to kill the Griffin but it killed me and my Pteranodon.
1 Up = 1 respect to Compy The Giga (One) Giga The Compy (Two) and Flying Dodo the pteranodon
I had a Griffin. His name was Theniden. He was the most frustrating tame, both me and my tribe mates went through so much trouble getting it. He was a lvl 70.
After the Griffin was knocked, upon my tribe mate asking, the admin came to help us get him tamed quicker. Not only did she get it tamed in an instant (bless her soul, thanks Xkay), but she also lvled him up to 450.
Now the thing is, I had heard that a tame would be wiped if it’s lvl went over 450. Worried, I asked if that was true. They told me it wouldn’t go over it. And, they were right, it didn’t…
For two weeks.
I was out lvling up all my tames, when I finished up and spotted his name. 451. Instantly full of guilt, I went, and I apologized to him. I really did. He was never my favorite tame, but now I loved him more than I had before. And soon he would be gone.
Later that day, instead of letting him disappear, I stupidly decided to unclaim him. Yes, I knew he’d hold a grudge. I knew he’d be wild again and attack me. But I wanted him to have just a few moments of freedom before he disappeared.
And I did, I brought him to the top of Griffin Mountain where all of his kind went. Right after he was unclaimed he flew up and attacked me and everything in sight.
Sorry for this long as heck story, hope you enjoyed it.
RIP, Theniden. He died free.
So one time a was looking for a metal patch on my raptor, (I was a low level at the time), then I got good news and bad news.
Good, metal.
Bad, royal griffin.
My unknowing self decided to fight it (Note that my raptor was strong enough to kill a low to medium level REX by it self). I tried to fight it, but this one was a high level, and killed me. I desperately tried to find it, but to no avail. At this moment, looking for a solution, I found the request feature. This allowed me to teleport my injured raptor back to me.
Moral of the story, griffin beats raptor.
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 10: The One Behind It All
Original Post Date: Jan 20, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Scout, next chapter in Rhyniognatha.
Tick, tick, tick.
“Hm. Perfect. All scholars have been transported to the ARK.”
Creak, creak, creak, creak, creak, creak, creak.
A man wearing a light blue suit and a pair of shades entered the office, holding a file filled with papers and papers. He had a stern look on his face. The mysterious agent walked up to the table and slammed it on the granite counter.
“Mr. President, here is a list of all the scholars as requested, along with their gems and attributes,” the agent said. The President looked at the agent with a foul look on his face.
“What did I tell you about calling me that?” the President scornfully said.
“You’re right, I’m sorry… Dan.”
“Yes, call me by my first name. You know I respect you a lot, your brains along with the other agents have contributed a lot to our project, Agent Jackpot,” the President replied happily.
“Yes, Dan,” Agent Jackpot responded, “And Dan, there seemed to be a problem with one of the subjects. Samuel… Something, school records couldn’t find his last name but he was brought to the ARK with no implant.”
“And how is that possible?” the President asked sarcastically.
“We don’t know. We think it’s a glitch in the system, perhaps a miscalculation of how many implants we needed for our specimens.”
“Well it doesn’t matter. If he dies he dies, end of that,” the President replied. Then, he raised an eyebrow, “How many scholars have died since they arrived on the island?”
“There used to be four-hundred scholars, but now the number has dropped to one hundred.”
“Excellent. Then we can begin the final part of the operation.”
“Okay then, and just letting you know the other agents are preparing to release the Alphas onto the Ark. They are awaiting your approval, of course, after you activate the Obelisks.”
“Perfect. I give them full approval, all are at full health and strength, correct? This Ark won’t be a walk in the park for those who have survived till now.”
“Well… One escaped containment, the raptor did. She currently roams the plateau, but hasn’t damaged the balance of power yet. We calculate she’s currently stalking someone.”
“The clever girl- It’s fine. As long as that beast doesn’t do too much damage, it’ll all be fine,” the President murmured, “Okay then. Prepare yourselves. Tell the other agents to release the Alphas immediately.”
“Understood, Dan.”
Before Agent Jackpot left the room, he turned around with one last message,
“Oh, and by the way, Vice President Bob wants you to cancel the project, he says that this has all gone too far, and that this isn’t what we were working for.”
The President scoffed, and waved him away.
“Tell Bob to get off my butt, he should be more concerned about other things, like working on his story for the project.”
Agent Jackpot nodded, and then exited the room. Dan Walker smiled, now left alone with only him and his thoughts. He spun his office chair around and pressed a button. A case that was glowing with blue lines opened up, revealing a metal pike that was glowing red. Dan Walker carefully picked up with his left hand. He took a remote out of his pocket and clicked a red button on it, and a hologram of the Ark popped up. He clutched the pike, and with a quick jab he shoved it into the metal of his desk.
Green, blue, and red lines began to appear all over the desk, and soon the hologram flickered away. Dan let out a smile, and then picked a nearby book off a bookshelf, flipping to the last page.
“To Be Continued,” Dan recited from the book. He looked up at the glass roof, and with a snap of his fingers the glass panel folded inward, revealing the night sky. Up above one ‘star’ seemed to shine brighter than all the others, it looked like red, blue, and green were coming out of it. The other stars sparkled, and Dan smirked as he leaned back in his office chair.
“Finally. I’ll be able to finish my story,” Dan grinned as the ARK in the night sky continued to outshine the constellations.
The Animal That Made Me Rage Quit Ark.
So after finally reaching level 85 so I could be respected to tame a Griffin, I grinded for AGES to get allo kibble, enough meat, enough amber for major soothing balm, all the materials for fridges, generators, longneck rifles, ammo etc. Set up my trap, a spiked perimeter near the mountain and caught one. Level 405 (I play on the hardest difficulty). Female. And stunning colours, I was so happy. Spent half hour knocking her out, did the dododex maths for a starve tame and realised I couldn't be bothered because I would also like enough time to realise if I'm low on meat to go grab more, so I just did the basic method. Ran out of kibble and prime eventually and regular raw meat was giving me 0.1%. Ain't nobody got time for that so I left and went nearby to grab some more prime, stego's and brontos etc. Came back. AND SHE HAD DESPAWNED. Ark Mobile really needs to fix this because how can PC players leave their creatures still taming and come back and they're fine, but mobile can't?