ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Use a crab when harvesting gems. Simply wait for it to unearth a good haul (sometimes over 25 red gems and 40 blue gems) then grab the mole with the crab, take the gems, get back on and throw the mole away and fly (well jump good) to safety. Remember no matter how far away the mole who dug up the gems will get angry when they pick them up BUT other moles only aggro with it if they are close when you pick up the gems, or hit the mole.
More Roll Rat Encountering Tips
While usually passive, if it comes out of the ground and gems pop up, DO NOT GRAB THEM. It will chase you for a very long time and does a respectable amount of damage.
Wondering if anyone thinks it possible to kill rock well by useing a well bred roll rat with a Mastercraft saddle ( which I found in the elemental vault) and rolling around the tentacles doing more and more damage as you gain momentum. I think the roll rats turning radius when rolling is perfect for this. What do you think of my wierd strategy?
"MY PRECIOUS!" Don't take its preciouses cause unlike Gollum it will bite off more than your finger!
Roll rats DO NOT swim well.
If running away from one, lead it into deep water and swim around; it will eventually drown.
Piles of loose gems are like wyvern eggs to them, if you take any, instant aggro
Found in the abberation lunar caves of genesis
Don't pick up anything shiny it digs up or it will freak out.
This animal is literally based of the naked mole rat
They spawn very often in the area between the blue and green zone, or at least they did for me
They get agro if you take gems from off the ground and they see you do it