ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Utility Tips
What is a roll rat used for? roll rat battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Just a little heads up, this thing's saddle has a durability bar. Guess how I found out?
Visiting ab using this armored scrotum's magical ability to blackbox itself with wood in 2 minutes. Completely naked, no weapon, no other dino. Carelessly rolling down crab river at mach 6 and poof. Ejected me into the water to get mercilessly beaten to dust by 5 karkinos, two spinos, the liquid that seems to be made entirely of piranhas, and 3 sarcos.
Make an extra saddle or two if you take this thing out.
Great auto harvesters for berries. Set to wander in an enclosed area with berry nodes and pump weight since adults stop auto collecting at 50% capacity. Take the berries/seeds you want then drop the rest and let it go gather a fresh set. Fyi also works when left parked on berry nodes. So long as the area they are left in can be un/re rendered easily to allow nodes to respawn
When a baby roll rat pops out, leave it on wondering because it will gather berries, feeding itself. As long as there are bushes it can access, and it can't escape its enclosure, it will raise itself making it one of the easiest tames to raise. All you have to do is imprint!
Make a 1,1 to 3,3 stone dino gate sqare for each roll rat . Get a karkinos and put 1 or 2 in each pen and when you need gems just jump into the pen with the karkinos hold the roll rat/roll rats for around 1 minute to be sure let them go and they will borrow immediatly then wait for them to surface grab them again . You will have aprox 20 seconds to grab the gems before they disapeer so grab them . Now let the roll rats go and to reapeat this step you must run a certain distance way from the roll rats to stop them from aggroing .
Roll rats can't swim! When they go into water and want to go out after that they'll bug arround and terribly drown...
My rolly boy
My rolly boy
My rolly boy
Brother got claimed
Unclaimed Alabama kids
Lava Rat
Quick maffs
Two to the one to the one two three
Benisnase Nr. 3
My rolly boy
Mickey Rat
Das ist was anderes
Roll rat
Roll rat
Roll rat
Randy stinkt nach Fisch
Shrike is stoopid
Tell me why (aint nothing but a heart break)
Roll rat
And more Roll rats that ended up drowning 😥