17 points   🔧 Utility       Report

This creature is very handy because if it’s abilities here are them all:

1(with tek saddle) shoot bullets out off its armor

2 invisibility makes the creatures texture look like glass and makes it hard to see(tip go stang right next to something otherwise it wil be blurry and you will be spotted very fast

3 glide jump while running makes you fly but you can fly infinite it’s like a glider or elytra from Minecraft

4 acceleration glide when gliding gain some speed eventually you wil discover a crosshair in the middle of your screen if you bite when this happens you will shoot with high speed into the crosshairs direction

5 bite when you press LT or lmb you will perform a short range attack dealing big damage

6 climbing press rt to activate climb mode what makes you climb anything


(This is my favourite creature and I love it 💛🧡💙🤍

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