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Here's just some things I've learned while taming these huge bugs.

•If you don't have something like a giga/carcha to impregnate, the 3rd best option would be a Brontosaurus for best stat quality for your baby bug. Though actually getting one to the Rhyniognatha will be quite difficult as you can't simply cryopod it and throw it once you found your Rhyniognatha (as of the Cryofridge and cryopod change in ASA). So you may need to walk it through the entire swamp...

• Keep your shoulder pets passive! This won't affect you if your using a large dino such as those listed above, though if using something smaller (though this is not recommended, most smaller dinos can't even consume the pheromone), you need to have your shoulder pets on passive so they don't attack the Rhyniognatha. I once did this mistake, and as I was going to feed my dino a pheromone, my otter on my shoulder killed the Rhyniognatha as it was on Attack Target.

•Final one, be fully prepared! Bring your pheromone and your creature your willing to impregnate before searching for a Rhyniognatha. This is because these guys love to aggro absolutely everything and get themselves killed, so if you went back to stock up on everything you need once you found one, chances are it is already dead.

Wish you luck!

More Rhyniognatha Taming & KO Tips