So you wanna tame the rhyniogantga? Well hes some tips

1. Get yourself a fjordhawk

2.kill a rhyniogantga (any gender) so you get the Pheromone

3. Then you search for a female and trap it, then you need to make her life under 10%

4. And then give your dino that your wanna Impregnate the Pheromone and then wait for a long time before than the female impregnated your dino

5. Your dino will now have Ravenous appetite and wanna eat the strangest stuff like element or gasoline, So be prepared

And then you will have yourself a rhyniogantga. I gave you one Tip pls take a bronto that your wanna Impregnate because the rhyniogantga will have the some of the health and some other stuff from the bronto and the rhyniogantga will have even the colors of the dino that it came out of and brontos are easier to breed, so i hope that helped btw the rhyniogantga is famous Known for cashing ps4 Official servers, so i wish you good luck taming the rhyniogantga

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