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I’m honestly pretty vexed that people voted for this because it likely won’t have its ability’s and I fell like it’s just less exiting to look at and it won’t really feel new to me since we already have a few bugs like the death worm, mantis, dung beetle, snail, scorpion arthro, spider brud mother, insect swarm and now the rhynio sorry if I missed any out but I honestly don’t really see a point in this to be added like if it has a turret saddle it would probably replace the wyvrens role and if it can pick the stuff a quetzal can it would replace the quetzal role to so I’m pretty vexed the community had chosen this over let’s say the panthera and cheetah because we only have the saber tooth as the only cat in the game and before you dislike the tip and say what about the thyla well the thyla is a type of marsupial not a cat but I can see why you would think it would think it’s a cat. Anougher two creatures I wanted in the game is the bison and the goat because they seem so unique and I thought it would be good to have a change of scenery well I guess the morelltops is sort of like a cow I still think they would be fun creatures. But I don’t really mind the appearance of the rhynio but I just felt like a change.

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