ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They where actually inspired by zenomorfs I did my research
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More Reaper Everything Else Tips
Don’t die if you’re new to the map or game
Ark dev 1: hey let’s make a new creature
Ark dev 2: sure, what do you want to implement?
Ark dev 1: let’s take the allosaur idea, I’d like that
Ark dev 2: continue
Ark dev 1: let’s make it scary as heck
Ark dev 2: ok
Ark dev 1: let’s give it the roar of a demon
Ark dev 2: uhh.. ok
Ark dev 1: let’s make it so hard to tame that no one wants it
Ark dev 2: maybe this is a litt..
Ark dev 1: hush. Let’s make players have to get pregnant to tame it
Ark dev 2: oh well…
Ark dev 1: let’s cover it in spikes
Ark dev 2: this is getting out of hand…
Ark dev 1: let’s make it shoot weird ball things from a weird tail
Ark dev 2: I guess
Ark dev 1: let’s make it tunnel under ground an attack when you least expect
Ark dev 2: oh dear…
Ark dev 1: let give it ridiculous amounts of health
Ark dev 2: is that it?
Ark dev 1: yup
Ark dev 2: were going to get so much crap for this…
Anybody think that the impregnating and bursting out feature has some inspiration from a certain horror sci-if movie creature?
Don't mess with him. Just don't.
I got idea for game.
Based on the movie:Alien
Things you need: two tribes one with a Reaper and a another with ten people others, Tek, flaks armor.
Setting up:you need at least ten Tek rooms with 1 ventilation system entrance. You also need enough room for the Reaper to come in and out and halls to get from and to the rooms. Boxes full of weapons for the survivors that contain:Cluster grenades, Tek rifles and element, Tek gravity grenades, Shields, and Charge lanterns. The ventilation system is an area that the Reaper can’t get to. It can below or above the rooms and can be used to escape the Reaper. Off to the side is a surveillance room for the survivors to monitor the Reaper in each room but the Reaper can access it. Each room has different tricks and Obstacles for the survivors and Reaper that you can design.
Rules:You need to set a timer for 30 minutes. The survivors need to stay alive(obviously)while the person riding the Reaper needs to kill all the players. Survivors can not be in the ventilation system all the time because the Reaper can’t fit so its cheating. Make sure to make a bed in a safe place to respawn and get your gear. The person on the Reaper is not allowed to get off. All players MUST be able to use Tek.
I can’t think of anything else so have fun plz tell me if it is fun
It now scales off your players level to but still requires you to get the 75levels but when birthed it will take away levels based off your player level 155 is the level you want to be for full 75 levels
Best game in ark by far please add to Fjordur 👍👍👍
Don’t whip or whistle a buried reaper as it can cause it to go into the mesh and you’ll be unable to get it back out
DO NOT SUMMON IT USING THIS COMMAND. gmsummon “Xenomorph_character_bo_c” IT CRASHES UR GAME] so anyway if this gets [100] likes I will do a summon tip for allosaurus