350 points   πŸ₯š Taming & KO       Report

1) Find a OP asf reaper (150)

2) do a huge cage with FUNDATION UNDER

3) bait her in

4) low health her under 2k hp

5) when she glow red/Pink go with shield until gets imprint

6) because ils have fundation under she cant burrow so ALL your friends can gets one with the SAME queen

7) go Kill everything until +75 lvl

8) get naked with much meat as you can in inventory

9) stand in the middle of a 2x2 Room when he gets out claim the baby he have a shhitty turning radius you can do it without feromons

10) let him kill you he will eat your body and have all the meat you had

11) if your not sure if he had enought just take all meat you can and repeat

11) all your friend should do a 2x2 cage (one room per person)

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