ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I’m pretty sure at night there faster than in the day and if the alpha bites you, you get the gnash effect
More Ravager Encountering Tips
They're like raptors, but 5x more deadly, and here's why: 1- They deal bleed effect, so if are running from one and he bites you, your chances of escaping are reduced to 0% because you won't have enough speed to outrun them. 2- They deal WAY more damage than a raptor, like 2-3 times more damage. 3- They're stronger in packs. 4- Because they're native of aberration, they DO NOT glow in the dark, which makes ravager attacks harder to avoid during night time on aberration. 5- They can foking climb on zip lines to get you. 6- They can jump, so keep in mind that climbing on a rock to escape from them probably won't work. 7- Luring them to a stronger wild creature like a roll rat and make them fight also won't work, I saw a pack of 4 ravagers annihilate a paracer and then send me to the shadow realm.
Travels in packs like a hyaenodon. Have a bola ready or be prepared to run because they are like hyaenodons on steroids with a superiority complex.
Super fast creatures and can jump so be careful. They travel in packs
The highest level one in a group will be the alpha, similar to Direwolves.
One of my favorite creatures doesn't spawn in my favorite game. Please ⤴️ for a chance to add to extinction.
They roam in packs and are pack boosted. They also do bleed damage.
There is never just one of them. Be warned.
Jumps, does bleed, travles in packs, can be bola, takes lots to trank, cooked ovis is king, halves resource weight, walks freely on ziplines, resuced fall damage, and looks amazing.
For the love of god if you have just tamed up a high level ravager and think you can take on a wild pack solo and live you thought wrong...
Behavior: Aggressive
They always seem to be at places at the worse time, not to mention that they hunt in packs of 3 to 5. Escaping is almost impossible due to there bleed bite in packs which slowly turns you into a snack. And you don’t find them, they find you! Once tamed, they become very useful mounts. They are able to climb up zip lines, even if wild. They jump up to 3 walls high. And even have a pack boost as earlier mentioned. Best of all, they don’t glow in the dark, making it easier for them to kill you in the barren mushroom forest.
You will need, 1 Megalosaurus, 1 2 x 2 x 3 stone doorframe trap with ramps leading to the ground, 1 crossbow/longneck, Tranq Arrows/Darts, and taming food of choice (Mutton is recommended)
First, Let the pack find you, wait it the mushroom forest
Second, On the megalo, pick up the leader and run
Third, Drop the leader in the trap
Fourth, Knock it out with the Tranq arrows/darts
Lastly, Put in taming food
Happy taming!