ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

These pesky little creatures kill me every time I enter the water in South zone 1 and every time I see one I have a mini heart attack. So if you see a piranha swim in the opposite direction or if you're next to land, just go and land. Don't fight a piranha if you're not level 20 with points into health
More Piranha Everything Else Tips
Second most annoying aquatic animal.
Fun Fact: Pirhanas are still called Megapirhinahs in ark mobile! ( sorry for bad spelling )
TO CRAP WITH THESE THINGS!!!!!!! I was taming a otter and this lil F-BOMB came up and brutally murdered him right in front of me. I made a minigun and blowed so many holes in them, they're guts were leaking lead.
FR***K them. FR***k them all to heck.
I hate them so much they killed my Dilo
If You see this horrible piece of evolution kill it immediately
I sometimes Call them megapiranha because It was called like that ( why did they changed Is name?)
This is why I donβt go in the water because of THIS FISH
Play in extinction then you can have a peaceful swim in a lake