ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you hate theses things up this to tell me okay?
BECAUSE OF THIS LITTLE S#&@ I LOST MY LEVEL 29 RAPTOR "sheren" one like for this is one R.I.P. for sheren
If you want to kill these little monsters, you first should submerge into the water and scan your area.
They should come at you.
Once you see them, shoot them with a crossbow.
If you dont have a crossbow, lure them to shore, where they should die instantly. If they dont die, stab them with a spear.
These piranhas are SOOOO annoying!One time I was passive taming and Equus and it ran into the water, Then about 2-4 piranhas came up and killed my Equus! I was so sad and I went and killed them. WildCard, If you see this lower the percentage of piranhas. Thank You!
1. Find piranha with 200-100 health
2. Lure to the shore
3. Get spear
4. Kill it
If you are going to want one of these poops bags as a pet,( don’t know why u want one) then follow instructions:
Step 1: WARNING! The only way to tame it is with a fish basket, which are only on g2. So if you are going to tame one, g2 only I think.( also if you do creative on any world it does not matter).
Step 2: find the Meg fish u want and kill the others. It’s important if you don’t want your future friend ded. So yeah important.
Step 3: place your fish basket and let it load your friend and close it.
Step 4: let it out in the water and123 BOOM 💥 he’s yours!
Little thing: if this gets past forty ups I’ll make one for diplodocus
See ya guys
I lost 2 Triceratops at them:
Manuel, lvl: 137
Edgar, lvl: 97
Up for 1 rip
The pirahna is literally the worst thing for low levels. they have high damage and take a good bit to kill. They lock on as soon as you go under water.
Honestly this fish is the pain of my existence.
If Satan himself had a pet fish... this would fit the description... LEGIT
Tamable using fish baskets from aberration. They attack the baskets once placed. It is a good strategy to pen then in with fence foundations and walls, or kite them to a pen. Place your basket on the other side of the wall and catch.
How to get rid of them: Find an otter, up its health and attack, and RELEASE HELL APON THEM!
If y'all wanna know how to make this spawns of Satan's leave you alone I suggest taming a sarco they are slow and tameable if you have fishmeat then sit back relax and watch them flee to the shore and get killed (sidenote: the piranhas are terrified of sarcos they will run or swim above the water and die)
Tame those with a basket and set on aggressive.... Funny to get a message your piranha killed player XY
And when i need to kill these for quest i can't find a single one after searching a lot
My best raptor was killed by 2 of them, really hate these guys now and i will avenge the life of my raptor, the baby will live up to the legacy his mom left him
#rip Sharen the raptor you will be missed