ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a pegomastax? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a pegomastax.
Walk around with mejoberries in your last inventory slot. I was just walking around with mejoberries and it jumped up and stole them then it was asking me what to call it!!
Make a taming pen. Put mejo berries in your last slot and let the pega steal it. After it steals the berries use a whip to take it out of its hands and it will steal from you sooner. Only way to tame a 150 it seems since its taming bar goes down while it holds the berries.
How to tame a pegomax
1.let it pick pockit you if you have Berry's have tamed a pegomax
There’s a lot of them near my base. I just always have berries in the last slot of my inventory. I have an army now. It’s really easy.
so i was playing ark few days ago, i was running around and he just jumped into my face and window for naming just showed. it was so random
Put some thing in the last slot of your inventory the pego will be forced to grab it
Just stand still and after a few minutes you can tame one
I have discovered the way to easy tame these things!! What you need to do is trap the pegomastax in a closed area and have two tribe members with a bunch of mejo berrys ( make sure you always have a stack of 100 in the last slot of your hot bar) make sure both of the tribe members are standing next to each other and when the pego attacks ( robs ) you it will hit both of you at once making the taming a lot quicker and easier !! You're welcome !
Lost 42 rockets to one of these bastards in redwoods... rockets? I had berries on me and it took rockets! Raid canceled.
Passive tame, put a stack of 25 mejo berries on the far right slot of hotbar, follow pego and let it steal the stack from you refill slot and continue following until tamed, KIBBLE DOES NOT WORK.
I accidentally flew on my terasaur and landed with 2 of these things and I had 100 menjoes ( the purple ones) and I automatically got tamed
I was throwing away stuff from my inventory and a pego ran at me and the for some reason it said you tamed a pegomaster and I was sitting there for five minutes like what just happened and how so I guess you can tame a pegomaster by chucking junk at it so yea that was weird
Calculator needs to be updated. I just tamed a lvl 30 and it took me 1,000 mejo berries. That's on an official server with 1x taming. Says it should have been 22 berries. And crops wouldn't work on taming either.
They pick-pocket berries and tame themselves. Once tamed, you can carry him on your back.If you get in a sticky situation throw him off your back and he'll attack enemies. I carry him into my base and throw him off my back and he hangs out like a pet. 🥰
to tame one, just put a mejoberry in the last slot and let it steal you, repeat this process until it tames
Below it says not able to be picked up by ptere but I picked it up with mine
I would definitely tame some because if you’re getting raided a pego could steal there last bar slot loot so not as good as the bird but is annoying also I recommend pumping speed and health see you in the next tip ;) - A.L.N.A
Simple way to tame them is go to the ragnorock deserts and then have mejoberrys and you will most likely find some at the entrance. Good luck
So, I don't know why, but me and my sister tamed one when it got stuck under our triceratops. I think it was stuck, but we just slapped it and that tamed it. The thing is, I had spent fifteen minutes before hunting down one with my bow and hatchet that had stolen my sheild. I really hate them in the wild. They suck.
Just beat the living s**t out of any nearby dino