2 points   πŸ”§ Utility       Report

Get three paras appropriate for your level (what I mean by this is that they can balance out with your speed and compensate for the amount of materials you need to carry but cant because you dont have enough weight) and name the first one Mule A. The next Mule B. The next Mule C. Focus all of their levels on weight. If they are too fast they’ll be like diplo squads for low levels. All they do is circle around. Next go out farming for specific materials you need. Whenever you have too much in your inventory one of them will be behind you. Dump the materials into them. Repeat until each of the paras is at weight right before being encumbered and before you are encumbered. Even if you have enough materials make sure to get as many as possible because you may need more sooner or later. When you get home to your base put the materials into crafting stations/storage boxes/storage. Then go out again if needed and repeat gathering materials if needed. Have a nice day :P

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