ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Funny Tips

What are some funny jokes or stories about the pachy? Funny pachy jokes submitted by ARK players.
Was on raptor running across the beach when I saw a egg thought the egg was a pachyrino and I knew I could take pachyrinos on so I grabbed hopped on my raptor and waited about 5 seconds later 6 pachys charged me,my raptor was knocked out and the pachys focused on it so I ran until I ran out of stamina only to look back and I see 2 pachys charging at me,rip me and my raptor(rest In pachys)
Pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy knock out with a pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy wait that's not right you dont knock out with a pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy that's just weird how could it be possible?ooooh pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy pachy!
Updoot plz it hurt my fingers to type dis.i hope you enjoy ur day^*^