ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Megapithecus Funny Tips
Megapithicus’s origin story
Dora: Hi boots!
Boots: Hey Dora, look what I found, element!
Dora: Wow! Element!
Boots: *Stuffs his face with element*
Dora: Boots! What are you doing?!
Boots: I am no longer your little side kick Dora
Boots: *Mutates into megapithicus*
Dora: Booooots!!!
Boots: Bow or perish mortal!
Dora: I’ll look in my backpack for a rocket launcher!
Boots: DIE MORTAL!!!
Dora: Boots! Wait!
Boots: *Squeeshes Dora*
The entire yard is now covered in Dora’s blood soaked remains
Boots: This world will crumble before my wrath!
I know a way to tame it without force tame I saw this in a movie once. Step one: go to the mega pithecus arena. Step two: make you tribe mates dress as Indians and tie you to a pole. Step four: scream and let the monkey grab you. Step five: let it take you to the top of the arena and do some tricks for it and wait for it to become your friend. And that’s how you tame the big monkey.