ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Do not use when your trying to tame something else, it will try to defend you from anything, and most likely kill whatever your trying to tame,
More Megalodon Utility Tips
When people say, βughghhugh, these SUCK.β They are right, and that is sad. These are meant to be of the REX of the sea. (mosa is the giga) intstead, you can outrun them with and ithcy, kill them with a cross bow, and they are just plain BAD. These should be AT LEAST 5x their current size, and their bite is supposed to be one of the strongest in the world. These should be respected by the devs.
Already wrote a Tip on here but I guess I didnt emphasize enough facts for these monsters of the deep. 1. THEY HAVE A PACK BONUS OF UP TO 8 INCREASING THEIR ATTACK DMG GREATLY. 2. THEIR BLEED EFFECT WILL SHRED HIGH HP SOAKERS AND ATTACK TAMES LIKE TUSOS OR MOSAS! Also my Megs shred 100k HP in seconds I have video evidence. please throw some love on this comment so that the ark community doesnt continue to live in the deep dark of megalodon ignorance.
To the people complaining that this guy should be larger:
If you look on the dossier it says the scientific name of the Ark Megalodon is Charcharodon Ultramegalodon. This species is imaginary and does exist in the real world, so technically they can make it as small as a coelacanth or as big as the titanosaur and it wonβt be scientifically inaccurate cuz there is no accurate thing to compare it to. The genus Charcharodon, however, is real. It contains the great white and its extinct relatives. Most scientists nowadays believe that the real megalodon belongs to the genus Otodus, which is not even in the same family as Charcharodon. So basically the reason why the Megalodon in Ark looks like a slightly bigger great white is because it is literally a slightly bigger great white, as its scientific name provided by the dossier suggests a much closer relationship with great whites than actual megalodons.
This real genus imaginary species thing is actually quite common with creatures in Ark and probably explains why so many of the creatures are considered scientifically inaccurate. Since we call most ancient animals with their genus and not species we may not even notice that their species are not real.
To the people that say these are useless, they really aren't. For starters, they may be slow and eas(ier) to kill, that also helps with taming. I've had no problem with getting a high level using a primitive crossbow. Second, these do bleed damage, which is very useful (at least in ASA) for killing soaking/high hp dinos. Third, they get a pack bonus, making them stronger and tankier, not mentioning the probable mate boost and maybe an imprint. Lastly, they have a tek saddle which isn't easier to get than something like a rex tek saddle, but they are very useful when it comes to raiding underwater bases. So, all piled up, the pros seem to outweigh the cons. Shoot the button to the sky if you found this helpful.
Please let all ocean tames be able to jump out of the water like the Manta, and no insta-kill if you dismoumt.
Imagine nailing a Ptera mid-air with this, it would be so cool! Give the Meg a grab similar to Kapro too, this guy really needs an update as others have mentioned here :)
It just needs a TLC badly.
Maybe a boost in size and an ability where it can sense anything below 60% health similar to the dire wolf.
These need a TLC! I understand they are a good starter Dino for aquatic trips but remember this has one of the strongest bite forces in the world. These need a remodel, resize and new abilitys
The #1 thing that needs to be in TLC 3. At least make it as large and powerful as the mosa. Should have one of the highest attack dammages because scientists have proven that the megalodon has the most powerful bite of any living thing and is strong enough to crush a tractor trailer.
Good for clearing out rivers full of piranhas or sabretooth salmons especially on The Center