ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Bolas and bear traps (they work, too) make taming a ton easier
More Megalania Taming & KO Tips
I was trying to tame one of these boys once, but I didnβt know that they gave an effect called Mega Rabies. Long story short, I got the effect and died shortly after it was knocked out. One up = one F to pay respects
Straight from the land down under, but this time its a satan spiderman lizard, can climb walls, ceilings, got a deadly poisonous bite, and is a very powerful mount. Unlike the liopluerodon, this magical creature is actually worth taming.
So I was on ragnarok and saw a 140 megalania so o thought ooooooooo gimme dat so I got my cross bow and 113 tranquil arrows and shot one and only one.......THAT THINGS FASTER THAAN SANIC BUDDY BOI THERES NO OUTRUNNING DAT THING
Spiders cant climb walls in this game but this fat lazy looking reptile can, whats next? Argys that cant fly and penguins that will fly faster than wyverns XD
Knocked a level 5 feamale out with about 10 tranq arrows was not prepared for the speed of torpidity loss bring lots of narcotics
How to tame a megalania on fjordur:
(based on own experience)
Go to volcano island
You will need:
β’A X bow or a longneck rifle, together with 20-30 tranq arrows or darts(i tamed it with arrows it was not that hard)
β’A TON OF NARCOTICS, They wake up so goddaammm fast(i had nothing when taming mine, i almost killed w tranq arrows)
Where to find:
I found plenty of em in the volcano part where huge flows of lava go downstream to meet the sea, where there is a huge rock just before the oil lake.
How to tame it:
its as simple as that. Find somewhere high and vertical so that the megalania doesnt get to you, never saw one climb before being tamed(maybe because im not that pro of a player) and i can almost guarante that with a few good hits, it can be very easily knocked out.
Feeding it can be pretty tricky, i found that being next to it until it tames is the best choice, as tranq arrows can take a lot from megalanias health and is torpor drops uncannily fast.
ITS BEST STATS ARE: (in no particular order)
Hope you liked it, sorry if not as useful, always trying to improve, peace outtttt
If you want to tame this creature I recommend that you keep a lot of narcoticsπ΄ it takes less than 10 minutes for them to wake up β οΈ and try to kill you again π
This thing can climb on everything. Its better in climbing then the thylacoleo and a good mount to have
When you have a couple of these on wander, and a couple protoceptadons(kangaroos) running around then a couple rhynios just flying everywhere, you now have an average day in Australia lol π
Can be found around 32.1 34.2 lost island