ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a hesperornis? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a hesperornis.
Ark mobile revamp tip
Kill salmon 0.7x size or below don't even try the bigger ones it'll block your view that will make it harder, now drag the fish go near this biatch then click the dino paw print where the whistle button is also located click "feed fish", sometimes it'll show release instead so be patient Xaxa
Fun fact you cant feed it a Megalodon.
A pure nightmare to tame;
You have to get thousands and thousands of fishes,
But you can't use anything to fish them (except another hesperonis...)
Because they will eat the fishes, before give you the meat;
So you need to go fishing, go walking to the trapped bird, and doing so like billions of times, and everything times, you'd waste like 5minutes, because it refuses to eat
Then, you have to travel hundreds miles, simply because you got all the fishes in the near location, to get like 30% of taming effectiveness...
Use an itchthyornis to gather fish for it. The buff increases efficiency.
Taming guide #4: Hesperornis and Otter
1 They have a weird taming metodo,Where you Need to trasport a fish to them and feed them
2 The best Place to tame Hesperornis and Otter Is that River between Redwood and Swamp,since It Is full of Salmons wich work the best ( Here Hesperornis are common while the Otter Is rare like in any other Place)
3 Kill salmon and feed them with the body
4 Enjoy a duck/a cute ball of fur 🦆🦦
Don’t be stupid like me. I was dropping fish after fish in front of it and was wondering why there’s no taming bar. Didn’t realise you have to passively feed it not just drop a fish in front of it.
They deal hundred millions of damages to fish... but only does 1 damage to other creatures
The most frustrating thing about taming these guys is not only do they take a lot of fish but the same button to feed them is the same button to drop the fish(i don’t know if it’s different in pc or ps4)and it’s constantly swinging around your face making it annoying because you’re constantly dropping it. Either make it so the controls to feed them are different then dropping it or make ur so it’s not constantly in ur face.
Easiest and stupid just kill a fish trow it on land near it, it will go for it, bigger fish means he eat for longer, then just lock the bird in a closure or tent if the trick works (did not try it yet), if you want to make it easier trow window on the wall and it should be ok to feed.
Feeding them sabertooth salmon seems to work the best.
Tame to this kill fish and drag there body to it and once tamed if you feed them more dead fish corpses it will build up and lay a golden egg which is used as a buff to certain dinos or oil or a player buff
Quick tip that helped me tame one on ASA; you can place a wooden cage on top on it when it stops moving and feed it fish through the bars. Sometimes it might glitch out but just pick the cage up and put it back down on it again. Hope this helps!
Use a rex and a crossbow. Find a LOW level (20 or less) bird swimming on a river. Use the rex to clear both shores of all nearby carnivores, then have the rex stand in the water and kill any piranha that show up. With your rex on PASSIVE follow (otherwise it will eat your fish), swim in the river and shoot a fish with your crossbow (sabertooth salmon are best, then piranha), then DRAG (do not harvest the meat) the fish to the bird, which is passively tamed. Rinse and repeat. (I find if the bird is swimming, it's easiest to folllow it and try to feed it the fish while you are floating under the bird.)
Just kill and get the raw polymer. Please don't try to tame. (will take 3 hours).
Here's how I tamed one using Ichthyornis. 👇
What I did was use my Ichthyornis to Hunt fishes and bring the dead bodies for me.
Change his settings to "Hunt and retrieve", put him on your shoulder then you go swim. While you are swimming aim at The fish you want and double tap F (on PC). Ichthyornis will fly, kill the fish and bring the body to you.
Then you take the body to Hesperornis and feed it. Once you get used to it it's very fast and easy. I recommend following Hesp from behind so you dont need to adjust your aim all the time.
You can do the same to tame Otters.
I punched one once then placed a cage and hid behind it so it ran into the cage and my friend closed it then we just started bringing fish up to the cage and feeding it
Taming an ichthyornis will allow you to gather the corpse by setting it on hunt and retrieve, after the fish is killed it will deliver the corpse right to you and you can tame the Hesperornis
How to tame a Hesperornis:
Build a trap using
1 foundation (any kind)
4 walls (any kind; I prefer walls over rails)
4 ramps or stairs (any kind)
4 ladders (whatever you can make)
Place a ramp on the outside of each of the walls & a ladder on the inside of each.
Speed is everything. If you have or can acquire an Ichthyornis first your tame will be forever more wonderful... later on that.
Place your trap just on the shore where you have seen Hesperornis running around. (It's a flightless bird). Find them at the edge of a swamp or around a secluded small body of water.
Antagonize a Hesperonis to make it follow you & walk to your trap. If you run, you'll probably disinterest him/her (preferably her).
Once in the trap s/he will stay put. Use the nearest ladder to get out. Now run to the water to gather fish. Kill but don't harvest. You'll see the E:Drag appear. Press "E" to drag fish to the trap. When you jump in you will lose your fish so be prepared to grab it again. ("E" to drag). Don't let her/him feed on it. You will see the Yellow "E: To Feed Fish". Press "E". Rinse; repeat until s/he tames out. Press "E" to change her settings first and foremost. "Behavior"- change
ATTACK Your... to "Passive", "__ only conscious, and "Low" on following-you'll thank me later. Now, press "E" to put her/him on your shoulder. SUCCESS!
Note 1: If you get and learn to use an Ichthyornis, it will catch fish for you and turn it into "Prime Fish" that waits for you to gather it and feed it to your Hesperonis. This is a much quicker and more effective Tame.
Note 2: Any fish will do, but Prime will do better, quicker, and better. If you cannot get Ichthyornis, you can make a fish trap from foundations placed in the water with a gate at the end. Two auto-gates work better, but cost more. Argo Salmon and lead them into the trap. This is very tedious compared to getting an Ichthy, which will always be useful.
How to get an Ichthyornis... Make sure you have more than one tranq weapon. Crossbows work well because they are faster than Longneck rifles. Use tranq arrows (Crossbow) or tranq darts (Rifle). Shock tranq darts are best because you won't need many and they will not kill your target (unless you spaz and pellet the poor bird). You can tame underwater if you must, but try to down it over land if possible. You have more than one weapon because your target will steal your weapons. :O This bird is worth your frustration, believe me. Not short… sorry.
Use a horse to lasso it, then you can move it around to new fish spawns when the area gets cleared. The horse can also step on the duck to pin it down, or simply use the lasso to keep it close while tribemates gather fish.
Tried to tame him but I kept dropping the fish instead of feeding him. Between that and him pecking me I got angry, and decided he should taste my sword instead. Sorry dude.