ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a hesperornis? hesperornis battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
He protec
He attac
But most importantly
He crap
When need of polymer you should actually show weapons to get them to follow you out of th water. POLYMER, POLYMER, POLYMER CAN BE GATHERED WITH CLUB!
I thought they were harmless.. turns out they think im a fish.
I had just tamed a saber and I had my pt with me I saw one of these guys I didn’t know they attacked you…it attacked me and my saber killed it:(…by the way up this if they are hard to find
They are actually Aggro If your Hit them
Ive seen people say these guys only agro on you if you hit them, but whenever i go near these guys they agro on me.
When you anger it. Don’t try to laugh because you will laugh. It looks even more pathetic than a dodo rushing at you and it deals LITERALLY 1 damage. Upgrading it to 200% means it only deals like 2. Don’t take it to fight.
Go east of the hidden lake and you find a small pond, 2 spawned there for me.
Dododex this is affected by a lasso.
Real hesperornis could not walk and were like avian seals!
Sometimes becomes aggro without you hitting it, just when you get too close without fish. Had that yesterday and my Argy defended me and killed it :(
When you see this creature, this thing sometimes glitches snd goes in circles around dead fish it kills while its wild. So wait for it to finish circling then feed.
These guys are uncommon but if you go down to the bottem left of the island by the note run and red ob there are alot
I saw a whole flock and they killed my baby jerboa (R.I.P fluffy😭)
Very common, I spotted 2 on my second day, they don’t attack unless u attack first (from my experiences)
To harvest organic polymer at a maximum use a club
Needed some hide and thought this was a dodo and was surprised when it Agrod on me
On the islands hidden lake there’s always a few of them. Not only are their eggs good food but every now and then they’ll give you a golden egg. Perfect for leveling if you plant a base at hidden lake. Not to mention they keep that lake clear of piranhas for you! Don’t need to tame just grab the eggs
To guy that said these are in mobile, actually what you saw was a pelagornis, a seagull that can be found sitting ON the water