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Step one: find gigantoraptor nest

Step two: find gigantoraptor parent and drop fertilized egg 5-15 foundations away from nest (I used giga since that’s what’s in release video)

Step three: await gigantoraptor parent to walk away from nest towards egg

Step four: run up to nest and enter nest (access inventory button) now wait in nest for baby to run up to you and do its dance - copy its dance move successfully to start taming **IF done quickly enough you should get 2-3 dance moves with the baby before the egg breaks and you have to left the nest and drop a new distraction egg

Repeat steps 2-4 until tamed. P.S - when the parent breaks the egg you dropped it WILL come back to the nest every time, if you are in the nest when the parent returns it will aggro you and you can’t distract it with an egg while it’s aggro’d.

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