Okay. Find a nest. Usually around rivers and grass/jungle areas.

The baby will always be around the nest. If it's not, there's a number of bugs that can be the cause.

For this to work; The baby and the nest and the mom all have to be together in the same close vicinity.

Okay, the correct way to distract the mother is to throw out a fertilized egg close by.

Aggro will get you a few times but keep trying till you get it right.

Once you see the animation of her eating the fertilized egg, go to the nest. Hide in it.

The baby will now come to you after a few moments if not bugged and will literally get into a stance in front of you.

It will preform 1 of 3 moves. D pad, Left, Down, Right

All little mimic/dance moves that increase the babys taming with each successful one you do in time, mimicking it.

After mom gets done eating she immediately comes straight back to the nest.

My experience allowed me to just quickly run from her in time while her back was turned in that split second moment from hiding.... but definitely keep a flying creature close by in case of things going south.

The larger the fertilized egg, the longer she takes to eat it. Eggs that worked for me was Rexs, Carchs, Gigas, Brontos, Yutis, All the eggs of those creatures worked for me and it took her at least a good solid +45-60 seconds to eat them each. For max levels.

Good Luck Out There! I Hope This Helps!

This creature is crazy fun!!! Has a flutter ability exactly like the Terror Bird but the gliding is WAY more maneuverable. Jumps like a Reaper almost compared to size. Main attack uses its Beak, and other attack will use both its huge legs to separately stomp. Aloooooot of other crazy good features to this Oviraptorosaur, specifically to do with babies.

Tame it and find out for yourself πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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