War Of Aberration chapter 7

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War Of Aberration chapter 7

“Want to try me again or does thy want to stop” the woman said in a tone that couldn’t be read it confused Skyocean got up some strength and said, “WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!” He yelled with the rest of the strength he had left, “does thy really want to know?” The woman said, “YES I WANT TO KNOW!” He yelled after laying on the ground gaining strength he stood up and shook any dirt off his shirt “hmm thy does seen curious but i have to say no the thy!” The woman said with a sweet but had a bit of evil in it, “Just… Please!” Skyocean begged, “read thy books in thy library’s! We are about to go to thy libraries here soon!” The woman says with a smile Skyocean was aggravated they heard a banging on the walls and a yell “WAKE UP ITS TIME TO GO TO THY LIBRARY!” A voice yelled from down the hall guards opened the cells and followed the prisoners Skyocean saw the throne room his sister sitting on one of the thrones watching the prisoners pass Skyocean was near the part where his sister couldn’t see him as they all walked a young man a age younger than Skyocean was beside him he looked familiar but couldn’t place his finger on it he guessed by the yellow orange hair and yellow eyes it was a friend from his childhood, “Sunlight?” Skyocean asked the young man looked at Skyocean his eyes widened seeing his childhood friend, “How did you get here?!” Sunlight said with shock, “it’s a long story-“ he said but before he could start a guard shushed him with its tail “save it for thy cell!” The guard said with a voice that sounded young they walked to the library as they got there Skyocean saw a book that caught his eye he walked over to it to read.


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