ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a direbear? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a direbear.
1. shoot it with tranq arrows
2. gather raw or raw prime meat if you don't have them
3. Return to the place where you knocked it down just to see it get eaten by terror birds ane carnos.
If he is knocked, he is easy to tame because he can also eat berrys. Not as effective as good meet, but its acceptable. He can gather fiber very well.
ps i hope it helped
Use a giant bear trap no smol trap
It won’t work
Agro the bear then place a bear trap A BIG ONE. Then trap it with metal bill boards and start using tranq darts to knock it out
This thing is a BEAST
it collects fiber for days
a TRex with fur
If you use normal tranquilizer arrows, the situation can get very... dire.
Guys you better tame it cuz it will make you become a pro bc it’s good for grinding herbs and meat bc I have one called hany he’s lvl 223 bc the owner of the server helped me to tame him so 1 like=1 love for hany :)
Regular bear traps do not work
you have to use the large ones
If you have a quetzal you can pick him up and take him to somewhere safe. I recently found a lvl 150 direbear in the redwoods and it died while I was away getting food and got the idea to just use my quetzal. Also if you're on mobile you can do the hunt argentavis pursuit to get a quetzal saddle for free.
So my sister is crazy about bears 🐻. So we brought a bear over from the other server. ( a female named giggles) she really wanted to breed it with a male. One day there was a 150 male stuck in the castle wall on the island in the middle of the redwoods on lost island. My sister saw it and went nuts. I had to tame the bear. So I walked up to the bear and shot it with a dart. It wasn’t stuck. So I did the only sensible thing and ran. I jumped off the wall and glided I landed hard and got eaten by the bear. My sister wasn’t being very supportive and was laughing her head off. That stopped when I ate the bear with Yodels the yuty.
One stone foundation and four stone door frames one ramp thank me later
Tranq it get meat and if your lucky it’s still there if it’s not either it’s not there or it got eaten by terror birds carnos and an allosaurus
High level dire bears CAN NOT be knocked with bow/crossbow. They will die before they KO. DON'T attempt.
Tip- the higher the level the better
I found a level 150 (max level on the server i play on)
I built a small trap so i could knock it out safely.
Used tranq arrows and a snow owl to heal them as i knocked them out
Only took 7 honey to tame them up with 100% effectiveness (the server is 3x so keep that in mind)
Trap i used- 4 stone foundations, 8 stone door frames, 6 stone fences, and two stone stairs
Hope this helped someone :)
Can't be carried by crystal wyvern
Aww a cute level 2, I'm level 70, I can take it.
10 seconds later.
Oh god! Arrghhh
quits game.
High level bears in Ragnarok ice cave can't be tamed. I used heaps of darts to knock out a lvl 300 only for it to not eat my honey >:(
Best utility mount after theri can gather meat and berries also this guy can get 1k weight and almost 900 melee with enough lvls I know this because my bear ( name is teddy the bear) is stronger than my 209 Rex
When it say 100% chance of death with your fist it means death for you not it
If taming in red woods KEEP AN EYE ON IT!!!!!
I was taking one and went to get some prime meat…
I left for 2 secs and came back to see it get eaten by a pack of Allo’s
RIP untamed dire bear