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How to tame on of these :

I recommend using a trap since they run pretty fast and possibly into something dangerous. So let's go!

Step 1: Bring around 100 TranqArrows. Should be enough, depending on the level and your aim :'). Also make sure to bring something to keep him sleeping, depending on your settings.

Step 2: The trap. The basic 4 stone foundations, 8 doorframes and 2 stairs. You build 2x2 fountains and put all doorframes on it. Then build the stairs so you can walk on it.

Step 3 : Find a Freddy Fazbear you like to tame.

Step 4: Build the trap near your bear.

Step 5: Shoot the bear and lure him into the trap.

Step 6: Shoot it SLOWLY. It hasn't got much health and TranqArrows do 'a lot of damage'. Wait like a minute for each shoot when it starts bleeding.

Step 7: Feed it when it's knocked out. It eats kibble, meat, honey and berries.

Step 8: Have fun with your tame :)


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