Taming this bear can be fairly low stress depending on how safe the area is and how prepared you are. I would recommend bringing a cross bow with narcotic arrows, and a LARGE BEAR TRAP. I was able to tame one by placing a large bear trap in front of me, and shooting the bear from a distance until it got stuck in the trap. Make sure you keep shooting the bear with narcotic arrows as it approaches as it does take a little to knock it out, and they can break free from the trap, mine broke free from the trap before it fell unconscious. I would advise to place another trap either infront or directly behind the bear, as they tend to run away once they have been hit with about half the arrows they need to fall unconscious. Unless you want the extra levels, you don't necessarily need kibble, mutton, or prime, as I tamed a level 30 with around 10 pieces of raw meat. Honey is by far the best taming food, but chances are, your taming the beat so you can get the honey

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