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Here's the easiest way to raid every caves, litteraly every caves on the map

First of all, tame a male & female (beware, at the first second you'd start to tranq one, he'd take of, and fly at a huge speed, to attack you back, so, you'd pretty much incapable of taming one, except ridiculously low levels)

2nd point as you'd be able to tame only low level, you'd need to make them attack a lot of low levels creatures, in order to get them some xp

Higher levels would just run away, or kill your futur flying fighter machine

After a while, start to breed them (would need a fully closed build, but really small, your own building would be too large, and they won't breed;

If you'd left any door, any windows open, it would goes aways before completing the process of breeding)

Then, once you'd got a huge amount winged teeth, with good level, you may start training them on higher levels creatures, like a trike

And repeat the process of breeding since beginning etc

After, at least, five or ten breeding and training sessions, you'd start to be able to raid the south cave

Wait, it's might be the hardest way to raid caves, finally...

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