ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Dimorphodon Utility Tips
If I could have 40 of one type of creature in ark, it would be this one. If you have at least 4 of them, you can look through a spyglass, press attack target, and watch your heat-seeking missiles wipe the target off the face of the earth in seconds. They are easy to tame too, as long as they are alone. If you hit one then all of them will immediately attack, swooping in to deal way too much damage and then swooping out of range. It is smart to bola them but I just use crossbow/tranq arrow. They only need one tranq arrow and their out. They tame quickly, but their torpor drains fast so you’ll need one biotoxin/two narcotics. It is easily worth it though. In groups they can take down much larger prey, but on their own they can easily die so make a pack before going on a hunt. Also don’t send them to attack brontos, Ankys, or stegos unless they have very large numbers! Rip Dimorphie, Morpha, Green Rocket and Blue Streak. All in all they are AMAZING creatures.
I tamed a lvl 15 female one and named it Nova and she was really good. She killed a whole pack of lvl 20 carbonemys without taking any damage and I didn’t do anything except stand there and watch in shock and awe. This is a MUST tame for everyone who reads this. I was only lvl 10 at the time I tamed it and now I’m lvl 40 and this creature has never failed to impress me.
It you put them on aggressive and perch em on your shoulder, they warn you of any danger with a scream. Usually it’s a diplo or a compy. If it weren’t for my dimo I would’ve died hundreds of times, he once yelled so I left and the next day i went back and say a giga killing a pack of raptors.
(Best to tame a high level but a low level is fine) If you have one, name is "Creeper" and stack and attach as much C4 detonators to the Dimorphodon as much as you can. Now all you need to do is whistle it to a near by creature and press the button, and you'll have yourself a mobile/re-usable Kamikaze! 😀
These things are crazy against giant dinos with big hit boxes, i saw a level 170 bronto with 15k health and i tamed 4 of these killers and the took him down in less than a 47 seconds, thier attack rate is so high that it makes their damage look ridiculus,i am gonna see if it is the same for titanosaur