I call this the fat and tiny Spinosaur from the dollar tree.
Too bad you couldn’t mate this with a Baryonyx to make a spino.
Me: can I have a spino?
Mom: no we already have a spino at home
Spino at home:
Why the f#$* does this take quetzal kibble.
Takes 12389 narcotics if you use cooked fish on a level three hundred. If you do this you are a legend.
A crazy caveman was experimenting in his breeding room. He bred a spino and moschops but it became an air conditioner so he released it into the wild and pretended it didn't happen
Torpor drops faster than me running up the stairs after I turn the light off.
To whoever said that if you tame a lvl 300 dimetro with cooked fish is a legend,
I did it.and i regret it.
A dimetrodon is closer related to humans than dinosaurs, not really funny just a fact
When I was 8 I thought they were baby spinos
A level 9999 takes 2 weeks to tame with cooked fish on official