So you have to get their eggs to tame them (hatch the eggs) there is a nest next to some broken bridges you have to spawn at chalk kills three fly up until you can see the whole landscape then look around for the bridges also there are two rock golems guarding the nest as well as some deinonychuses so be careful and that's the only nest I know of to get the egg then I recommend using a flying animal then lure the rock golems away from the nest the nest is by the second broken bridge by a tree and it's hard to see be really fast once you lure the golems away then take the egg and get the heck outa there to hatch then if you wanna use campfires you need a lot of them and I mean ALOT you also need four standing torches make sure everything is working and then drop the egg near the camp fires it should say incubating if you have enough campfires.

I hope this was a helpful tip I wanted to get all the details cuz when I was looking for eggs I tried to find a helpful tip but none helped me

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