ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 31
Btw, there may have been a mistake on chapter30, it may have been labeled chapter 29. If so, chapter 30 is the one that says (hehehe I’m excited)
Ridley, Jane, Reign, Prince, Pax, and Astra had all been staying in the cave to heal. Astra and the others, except for Prince, finally healed. Astra had a few scars.
Prince even seemed to be getting worse. The whole group was trying to help by hunting, cooking food (the five that healed all tried raw meat, and their vomit was not pretty..), and gathering water.
Jane had taken all of the few deer skins (they mainly ate fish. Many creatures were returning, though. The few mammoths and deer left were freed by Shadow’s soldiers) and made bandages for Prince.
KJ was walking around the base, clenching his fists in anger.
Almost every human he had became injured. He slammed his fist in the wall with a yell. Those wolf humans had to pay.
All the humans had been put upstairs, and he was left alone.
Then a human appeared. “Hello, KJ.”
He turned sharply, seeing a man.
“Why are you here?”
“I know someone who has the same enemies as you..”
KJ growled at the man and replied, “So what?”
“She’s got power, and so do you. Think about an alliance. She won’t let you down.”
The man disappeared and left KJ in the darkness.
-Alright,- he thought. -I’ll wait for orders.-
He smiled at threw a dagger at a training dummy’s head.
“That’s you, little missy.” He said, talking to the air.
He was going to murder Astra.
Next chapters in.. Diplocaulus. Hehe! My favorite animal!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 29 (hehehe I’m excited)
“Hey KJ,” Jane said.
“Hey. You and the newcomers coming to help us tame this wolf?” He gestured to 4 other men holding rifles with tranq darts.
“Yeah. We want in on the action.”
He smirked and began preparing five rifles.
He handed them to each of the people.
“Ready? Three! Two! One!”
There was a deafening crack as Reign was hit in the side with a dart. The other man began shooting.
Astra lifted her rifle and shot at a man, making him fall unconscious.
“Hey!!! What?!?” KJ slammed his foot into her stomach, almost making her cough blood.
“Sorry. You seem like a nice guy,” she said as she thrusted her fist at him.
He dodged but punched her in the nose. Blood splattered on the ground.
“Ridley, we good?” She asked, dodging KJ.
“Yep!” He said, firing at another man, making him unconscious.
Then, the five secret wolves began battling the humans in the civilization.
Astra created ice swords for the boys.
“Now we’re talking!” Prince cheered as he swung his sword.
“What?!” KJ shrieked.
“Don’t you understand?” Astra asked, kicking his face. She pushed him against the wall, holding an ice dagger.
“We aren’t humans. We’re wolves.”
Ridley paused the manipulation for a second and Astra was a glimmering white wolf. Then it stopped.
KJ snatched the dagger Astra had held and cut her arm. She yelped in pain.
Prince had wounded many people with the sword. The other boys hadn’t done as much damage as him.
Ridley accidentally shattered his sword on the wall and was now relying on his fists as he battled a girl with pink hair. “You know, I really hate hitting girls.”
She smirked. “Too bad.”
She whirled around and kicked him in the stomach, preparing to use a knife.
Jane kicked it out of her hands and knocked her off of her feet. Ridley blushed. “Thanks.” He muttered.
Jane scoffed and whistled, signaling to Astra. Astra created two thin lightweight swords and tossed them to Jane. She gripped the swords and brought humans to their feet.
Pax used his powers to slow his opponents down and steal their weapons, using daggers and thrusting them speedily at humans as he ricocheted off the wall. (Did I use that word right? lol) Like Ridley, he had broken his sword as he hit a shield.
Astra dodged KJ’s attacks, but he kept slicing her arms. They were bloody now, and Astra groaned.
Prince ran toward her, knocked KJ off his feet, and thrust the sword in his leg. Then he lifted it out and impaled a human’s arm. That human had headed toward Astra with a sword.
Prince smiled at her and continued to wound the humans.
Astra finally had time to break Reign’s cage. She ran out, becoming a human. “Ridley!” She yelped angrily.
Then she fainted. “Oops,” said Ridley. “I forgot she was hit with darts..”
He thrust a dagger at the last rifle man. “There we go,” he said.
Prince had paused to watch. “Nice one, Rid-“
He groaned in pain and collapsed against the wall. A human had sliced his side with a sword. Prince’s sword clattered to the ground as the human headed for the final blow.
Astra pushed the sword away from Prince, cutting her hands in the process. She grabbed Prince’s sword and impaled the human who dared attack her friend. The human groaned as the sword went through his leg.
Prince’s sword now had blood on the blade and handle.
It almost was broken, so Astra snapped it on the wall, letting sharp ice litter the floor. Humans slipped on it.
She saw the injured humans scattered about.
“Let’s go. Reign is safe. We haven’t killed anyone.”
They all ran toward the door, Ridley holding Reign. Astra made an ice wall to stop the humans as the six secret wolves slid on an ice trail (also created by Astra).
They stopped in a cave, filled with ice stalactites. Ridley sent Reign against a wall.
“How did you three escape without injuries?” Astra said, flopping on the ice floor and lifting her bloodied arms.
Pax pointed to a large cut along his leg. Jane flexed, showing off her arm muscles. She had no injuries. Ridley was bruised and had a few small cuts.
Prince had flopped down, near Astra, and fell asleep. His breathing was labored. Despite the fact that you could not see the skin on Astra’s arms through the blood, he had gotten the worst of it.
Ridley manipulated some stone into a bucket and collected water from a stream nearby, grabbing Astra’s arms gently and washing them. She bit her lip and winced.
She had some slightly deep cuts on each arm, but it wasn’t too bad. KJ was not as great at combat as she thought.
“Why are we still humans?” Astra asked.
“If we were wolves, you would not be able to walk,” Ridley answered.
Astra laid back and nodded, then looked at Prince. She used her powers to lift some water out (she couldn’t scoop water because her hands were cut. And the water turned colder because of her magic) and wash Prince’s deep wound.
Ridley, Jane, Pax, and of course Reign were all asleep now.
Prince slowly opened his eyes and lifted his hand toward Astra’s face. She had been looking at the cave entrance.
Astra turned toward Prince as she felt his hand touch her face.
He reached back and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “Even prettier as a human..” Astra lifted her hand toward Prince’s hand on her cheek.
Then he lowered his hand and fell asleep again.
Astra laid down too, looking at the roof. Maybe she could love again. After all, Prince was the first wolf to ever meet her and be nice.
She looked back at him, noticing his handsome face. -He’s most handsome as a human too ...- she thought, then fell asleep.
Her hand was mere inches away from Prince’s.
Thanks Achatina writers! I was able to write without out a chapter 30 part 2! This is one of my favorite chapters of all! Please let me know what you guys think of this one!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 28
A white wolf dived in a hole, barely escaping a Rex’s jaws. She ran through the tunnel, gripping a small pouch.
“Got anything?” Asked a wolf.
The white one nodded. “Only a few berries, but.. at least I got some.”
She set down the pouch and it flopped open to reveal tintoberries and amarberries. It was a very small amount.
“This time I got lucky. The Rex headed for me was slow.”
She sat down.
A different female yelped. “This is hardly enough! My daughter is slipping away! I can’t lose both of my children!”
The white wolf looked at her. “I know your child disappeared. My own child did too. Use the berries. They will give her water too.”
The girl alighted her wyvern on the ground, the tapejara following. Ridley, Prince, and Pax all got off of the mounts (well, Prince tumbled on the ground from being held) and followed the girl as she entered a base.
“KJ! Got some newcomers,” she barked, pointing to the three boys.
KJ, the leader, walked over. “…hmph. Didn’t think any other humans got to here before us. And your names are?”
“James,” Ridley said.
“Jack,” Pax said.
“Xavier,” Prince said.
Ridley and Pax gave a side eye to Prince, seeing how he chose a rare and regal sounding name.
KJ had seen this and began raising his eyebrows. “So.. what brings you to the Island?” He asked.
Ridley fidgeted with his fingers behind his back. “We.. like to explore!” He nodded to the other two and they nodded suddenly.
“Hehe,” Pax gave an awkward laugh.
“How did you find them, Ripley Jane?” KJ asked.
Ridley’s eyes widened.
The girl started to speak. “They crashed to the ground, saying they lost griffin mounts.”
“Griffins..” KJ huffed, thinking to himself.
“We have traversed many of the islands on this planet,” Ridley said. And then he looked at the girl.
There was something familiar about her, even though he had never seen her in his life..
years ago:
Ridley slid on an ice sled down a large snowy hill. “Yeah!” He cheered. His brother slid farther down behind him, and three girls and two boys were sliding behind him.
They all reached the bottom, laughing.
“Nice one, Ridley,” A purple wolf smirked.
A blue white wolf looked into the distance.
“You good?” A male wolf asked.
“Yeah..” she replied, turning to face the wolf. “I’m fine.”
They heard a deafening roar. The wolves looked at each other. “A YUTY ! ITS ATTACKING!”
Ridley sprinted toward the sound, followed by his group. The climbed a hill and saw the scene. Ridley slid down, watching a little white wolf chased by a yutyrannus. He instantly used his powers to create illusion flames. The yuty skidded to a stop, giving the little wolf time to escape.
As he made more flames, the yuty ran away.
“Good one, Ridley!” The boys cheered.
“Nice job,” the blue white wolf said. She smiled.
The blue white wolf sat in a small den, curled up. It was many weeks after he had rescued the little wolf.
She now had feelings for him.
He’s my friend.. should I risk it?, she thought to herself.
And she did.
One night, Ridley was alone, looking at the same sea Apollo and Astra would once look at together.
The blue white wolf joined him.
“Hi,” he muttered.
“Hey,” she said.
“Whatcha doing?” He watched the sunset intently.
She sat beside him. “Just.. just wanted to see.”
“See the sunset?”
“…see you.” The blue white wolf looked away, her cheeks red.
Ridley gave her a soft smile. “I can understand that. I’m too handsome for the girls to handle.” He flashed a smirk at her and then they both laughed.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You’re the one who wanted to see me!” He yelped, nudging her with his shoulder,
“Well, I can never catch you alone.”
“And why would you want to do that?” He turned to look at her.
Her eyes glinted in the setting sun’s light. “Ridley.. I like you..”
“Of course you do, you’re my friend.”
“Not.. like that.”
He scooted a bit closer to her. Their shoulders touched. He wrapped his tail around hers.
The blue white wolf sighed. “This is nice..”
“Ridley, I’ve got to go.”
“No! Come on! Why?”
“My parents are making me, Ridley. I can’t stay. I’ll be back.”
Ridley and the blue white wolf touched noses. “I’m sorry,” she looked down at the ground.
Ridley nudged her and she looked up. “Hey,” he said. “I’ll be waiting.”
The blue white wolf bounded into the plain. “Ridley! I’m back!” She had just come back from her trip.
Ridley was sitting with Adira.
He was doing things with Adira that he used to do with her.
Adira and Ridley turned. “Oh hey.”
Adira curled her tail around Ridley’s. “Come on, dear, let’s find somewhere private.”
Ridley nuzzled Adira and followed her away from the blue white wolf.
“Goodbye, Rain Jane.”
Rain, the blue white wolf, had tears streaming out of her eyes.
It would be the last time he would ever call her her nickname, Rain Jane.
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 29
“Ripley Jane will take you to your rooms.” KJ said, stomping away toward a blood wyvern outside.
Rooms? Ridley thought. Huh.
The three boys followed the girl up some stairs down a long hall.
“Xavier, there,” she pointed to a room. “Other guy, not James, this room by Xavier. Whatever your name is.”
The two boys went inside the rooms, shrugging at Ridley as they closed the doors.
“And we have one last room down the hall.” The girl slowly walked, Ridley following.
She slipped her hair behind her ear and touched a door. “Here’s your room.”
She opened the door. Ridley took another look at her. He could see a color beneath her hair. A strand of blue and white.
He stepped in the room and pulled her with him, closing the door with his foot.
“Rain..” he whispered. “How are you here?”
Tears filled her eyes. “Where else was I meant to go? You were with Adira. You aren’t the only one who can make yourself a human. This is my life now, and of course you storm in.”
She pulled her hand away from his and walked out, slamming the door.
“I can’t believe it..” Ridley muttered.
Reign and Astra had been walking for a while.
“How long will this take?” Astra asked.
“Not long, I don’ think.”
There was a shuffling sound.
And then a BANG! Astra turned and rolled. A net came swiping at them. Astra was lucky. Reign was not.
Reign ripped at the net as a blood wyvern swooped out and grabbed her.
“Astra!!” She screamed.
Astra made an ice trail in the shadows to follow. She thought very hard about Ridley, hoping he would contact her.
He did.
“Hey Astra.” A translucent person appeared beside her. Astra gasped. “Are you..?”
“Long story. Whatcha need?”
“Reign was caught by a human on a blood wyvern.”
Ridley huffed. “Kay. Let me do something. This might feel.. weird. You’ll be going to a human civilization, so..”
Astra felt like she was being stretched. She felt herself standing on two legs. “You have to be joking.”
“Nope. Keep following the wyvern. Get to the human civilization and ask a girl about three boys named Xavier, James, and.. Jack.”
“Okay,” she shrugged, still making an ice trail, but on two legs.
“I’m not going to lie, two legs is pretty nice..”
They got to the human civilization, and a man dragged an angry Reign in a net.
“Ripley,” he called out. “I guess you were right.”
A girl walked toward him. “Oh..”
“We’ll have her tamed by midnight.”
The man put Reign in a cage.
Astra walked up to the girl. “Hey, do you know three boys named Xavier, James, and Jack.”
“Yes..” she said. “I suppose you are part of their group?”
Astra nodded as the girl led her to the rooms.
Pax and Prince came out. Both of their minds thought the same thing as they saw her white hair and blue eyes. Even prettier as a human..
Ripley Jane led them to Ridley’s room and they all went in.
“I suppose that orange wolf is a part of your group too.”
“Yes.” Ridley said.
“Eh.. what?” Astra, Prince and Pax said in unison.
Ridley sighed and looked up. “Ripley is an old friend. She’s a wolf.”
“And I’m going to help you all release your friend,” she said.
“Her real name is Rain, but our friend is named Reign. Spelled differently, but..” Ridley said.
“You can call me RJ, or Jane.”
“Ok, so.. shall we make a plan?” Pax asked.
Astra laughed. “Can’t we just wing it..? I mean, do plans work?”
“Depends. Can you all punch?” Jane asked.
They nodded and Pax, Prince, and Astra went out.
“Why did you choose a name so close to mine?” Ridley asked.
“I have to remember the wolf I loved.”
They walked out, joining the other three.
When the ARKs had lasted 20 years,
The wyvernets will come.
When the land was soaked in crystal tears,
The wyvernets will come.
Find the tropic egg in deepest blue,
Wings of tropeo will come to you.
The largest egg in the center,
Will give you the wings of ember.
Search through the mud, for an egg the color of wyvern blood,
And hidden alone from the rival tribes,
The broken egg awaits unseen.
Of three obilisks that Splash, Bud and Burn, two shall fall and one shall learn, if it bows to a power that is crystal and higher, it shall have the power of Wyverns on Fire.
Five eggs to hatch on the Coldest Night,
Five wyverns born to end the fight,
Darkness will rise to bring the light,
The wyvernets are coming....
The Fleet of Fate
Chapter 9: The Fleet of Fate part 3/6
GitezGood went tumbling down the mountain, near Emberfall. When he got to the bottom, he had a dislocated shoulder and two broken ribs. At the bottom, a bunch of hungry Raptors dashed towards him. He tried to fight back, but one pinned him down, and right when the raptor went to bite him, a rex chomped the raptor, ready to eat GitezGood. And then, all of a sudden, a pack of three Deinonychus, a raptor, and about 20 troodons, attacked the rex, ignoring GitezGood. Then the deinonychus who was a shade of red, came over to GitezGood, but instead of eating him, he made a gesture to ride him.
Meanwhile, Scarlet couldn’t fly because her wing was broken, but she used her breath, of blood, and fire to burn Caves face. But Cave dodged the attack, and what happend next, nobody expected. Ember flew at Cave, latched on to her head, and started scratching like a wild sabertooth tiger. Then he tackled her down, and used his breath to burn both her wings. Then, Ember said, in a voice nobody has heard before, “Stay away from my queen…” Glory had a face, a face of pride, terror, and surprise, all at the same time. Cave then screamed “Guards, take them!” But they did nothing. In fact, they ran. The guards tried to escape the palace, but GitezGood and the pack were there.
By the way, I do have a pack of three deinonychus and about 20 troodons. I use them for hunts.
The Fleet of Fate
Chapter 9: The Fleet of Fate part 2/6
“Oh no!” Shrieked Rodan “Bloods are here!”
“No kidding!” Said Ember “We’re at the palace.” The Wyverns snuck to the entrance, then GitezGood jumped off Febreezes back, and stabbed both the guards in the stomach.
“Ok great, now we need to get to Cave,” Glory said. “And kill her…” Said Rodan, in a tone “She’s the reason my parents died.”
Just then a guard yelled, “Intruders!” And swooped down and grabbed GitezGood. Then Rodan jumped up and burned the guard with his claws. GitezGood fell down and then Coal caught him.
“Get in, now!” Scarlet yelled “Before more come!” “We need a diversion,” Glory said “We need something to distract the guards, like destroying a pillar so it can cause a chain reaction.” “Already done!” Exclaimed Rodan as he started a fire, that started spreading all over the entrance, burning the wooden walls and plant decor. GitezGood ran ahead of all the wyverns, then screamed and dove into the ground. A pillar of rock came crashing down. The wyverns ran into the throne room, where Cave sat on top of a golden and metal nest. “If your trying to stop the army from going to Ambers place, your to late, and if you’ve come to kill me, you will fail.” She said. “Let me fight you!” Scarlet yelled “Right here right now!” Then, Cave jumped on top of Scarlet, then Scarlet scratched Cave on her face. Cave started to bleed, when a guard grabbed his sword and swung at Scarlet.
“Noooooooo!” Ember screamed in terror. Scarlet was hit, on the wing, bleeding out. GitezGood quickly took out a sword of his own, and swung at the guard. The guard got a cut. Then Cave grabbed GitezGood and threw him out the window, down the cliff
Febreeze tried to catch him but it was too late.
Next part coming out soon!
The Fleet of Fate
Chapter 9: The Fleet of Fate part 1/6
The wyverns flew back home. “So what now” Cactus asked. “I guess we go home” Tomato said. “Yes, and get ready for war” Scarlet said grimly “if Cave is the Queen of the Bloods, and Amber is the Queen of the Embers, then I am the Queen of the Tropicals. Nobody will expect this. They say tropicals are to peacefull, that’s a lie”
When they got to their shoal, their home they discussed about what to do. “We need an army!” Scarlet said, “So we can beat the bloods and the embers” “Wait so you’re saying we’re gonna choose you! Not them! This is so confusing I like you better than both but, what do we need to do!” Ember blabbered. “No, all we need is this fleet, we will call ourselves, The Fleet of Fate.” Febreeze announced “We need to rest up, let GitezGood know, and gather food, strength and might!” “Let’s go Febreeze!” Glory yelled happily.
The next day they flew to the Crimson Fortress. GitezGood with ten pikes and a bow and arrow. Just then, a phoenix flew by them. “Woah!” Yelled Ember. Then the phoenix flew back towards them. “Hi there wyverns! I’m not gonna hurt you!” Said the phoenix “My name is Rodan!” “Um nice to meet you young one, where off to destroy the blood army.” Glory said. “Oh I could help you! Please let me be in your fleet, I lost my mom and dad years ago.”
“Sure jump in” Febreeze said “Guys it’s fine.”