Why doesn’t everyone just call it by its real name instead of just a “beaver?”
They love to share stuff from their dams. Go ahead and help yourself
When you try to steal there damns there just like WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MA SWAMP and go full phsyco mode. Make the arrow green plz👍
Got eaten alive for touching their wood and I respect that
Bump up for my little lystrosaurus he died in action to protect me
The legend says that after the 1000th stolen nest the beavers will rise up and destroy your base.
You wont be laugthing now you cementing paste Thief.
The arkbeavers representative
Lvl 10 beach bob wanders into the woods and finds a stream. He thinks to himself, “Wow! beaverdams i wonder whats inside!?”
*John Cena theme song plays*
Check the Area for beavers (Check)
Sneak over to the dam (Check)
Open the dam (Check)
Take The Stuff (Check)
Wonder where the hell the beavers came from (Check)
Die (Check)
I love the racist Canadian joke in the saddle description
Rose’s are red
Violet’s are blue
If you touch my dam I’m coming for you