ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Carnotaurus Utility Tips
Tamed carnos are excellent almost all around: their health, attack speed, and base damage allow you to take on most of the creatures on the island, including Rexes and Alpha Raptors. Having a mated pair greatly strengthens this quality. They run fairly fast and can carry a lot, making great transport mounts. They are a fairly good harvester of meat and prime meat.
Their only real disadvantage is a slow stamina regen, even when stood completely still.
It is sad to see the Carno for not getting too much love these days. Whenever I try to find mutated Carno videos, it only shows a few of them before showing off Rex, Thyla, basically everything else except the Carno, and I'm disappointed. Carnos are basically a nerfed apex predator. They have the power and health you would expect while being speedy as well. They are not too difficult to tame, just a simple knock out tame. Even though a TLC could spice things up a bit, I love it for what it is.
DEFINITELY a creature you need for early to mid game. I have a level 173 female that was tamed at level 100, it gained 40 levels so the 33 levels were me leveling it. I put a decent amount of attack and got her to 4000 hp. She makes quick work of EVERYTHING, I've taken on 4 different alpha raptors (not at the same time), she makes quick work of rexes, brontos, and like I said, alpha raptors. There is an alpha rex kinda sorta near my base in the forgotten lakes, imma try and kill it tmm😜and also, be careful around the forgotten lakes, raptors, therizinosaurs, and alpha raptors will spawn near by. you all think the creator of this app should add a section for good base spots and stuff of that sort.
After the TLC, Carnotaurus has become not only a more powerful mount but also a very dangerous encounter especially with their Yutyrannus leaders. The secondary attack causes a nasty bleed effect that drains the targets' health significantly. This paired with the significant knockback can easily kill many creatures with high health pools such as brontos and stegos. A fully imprinted, mate-boosted and mutated pack of carnos are a force to be reckoned with and can even take out Alpha Rexes.