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There are 2 ways you can tame a carno,one can be used for people who has alot of points invested into movement speed,or you can build a trap which is much safer than the first taming method.

1-The first way is more dangerous but costs less and needs less peperation,but the second needs more preparation but is safer than the first),for people with alot of points into movement speed(like I said)how this method works is,first your movement speed needs to be atleast 130-150 or more,as they are a bit slower than a raptor,so,you first attract it's attention by using tranq darts or tranq arrows(for super low levels sling shots MAYBE can be used)but the wooden club is out of the question.

You atract it's attention,then start pelting it with your house or tranq ammo,then when it gets close to you run away from it,when it's atleast 5 meters away from you(about 3-6 foundations),start shooting it with tranq ammo,repeat this process and check it's torpor(it's process of getting knocked out/the purple thing that you view below it's hp with a spyglass),with a spyglass,when it's torpr reaches about 90% it will start to run and flee,then Persue it until it's knocked out.(SN:this method also works with a fast ground mount with some points into movement speed or a fast flying mount,example:raptor for ground mound and pteresaur/pterenadon)

2-build a 2x1 or 2x2 box with the walls being 1 wall high,atract it's attention,lure it into the trap(use a ground mount if it makes you feel safer,like raptor)once it's in the trap,pelt it with the tranq ammo of your choice.

2-whichever method you prefer,once it's knocked out,use narcotics or biotoxin(I prefer biotoxin imo)to keep it asleep,use either raw meat or prime meat for taming,and it ark mobile,use soothing balm with it,this is necessary if you want to tame a high level carno in ark mobile,this works in arks pc version,but thet no soothing balm there,idk what kibble in ark pc carno eats,but feed it,keep it asleep,and protect it with wooden spike walls if you want extra protection.

3-boom,you've got yourself a new and fresh carno,these guy's saddles unlock at level 46,and are monsters,slightly slower than a raptor but, better,more damage,more weight,and more health,if you want a good and powerful Dino in the early game,these guys are it,if have a high level carno,level 300+ preferebly,you can kill low level trexes eazily,but be careful,I think raptors can pull you off your carno with their pounce ability.


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