ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Don't fight it instantly Go build a trap from door frames and 2 Ramps Then Lead the crano there and There you go You got a carno
More Carnotaurus Taming & KO Tips
how to tame annoying ahh carnos that kill most dino’s and you:
1. get bow (level 10) and tranq arrows (level 21)
2. make a trap for it (u can easily find on yt)
3. find carno and shoot tranq arrows while u run to ur trap and trap it
4. shoot tranq arrows until it is unconscious.
5. feed it meat (raw meat, raw mutton, prime meat,etc)
6. boom, u got a carno.
tranq arrows are unlocked at level 21 but need narcotics (level 6) which are craftable at a Mortar and Pestle with Nacroberries (black ones) and Spoiled meat (keep any meat in ur inventory for along time to make it spoil).
First giant carnivore I tamed, named it Jade.
I remembered that second, everything frozen, the alpha Rex’s bite, my bronto’s attack that finished the alpha Rex off… seeing all my tames lying on the thing that was my once indestructible base… Jade was at my side.
Starting over, traveling to the hidden lakes, almost killed by raptors… Jade’s final stand at the footpaw peninsula where I tamed her, me helplessly watching Jade and the spino both crash to the ground…
R.I.P Jade
Very easy taming:
Step 1 look for scorpions
Step 2 tame
Step 3 mount it
Step 4 look for carno, rex, etc.
Step 5 just attack they dont agro insects (evil laugh)
Step 6 watch as they fall unconcious
Step 7 shove prime meat down their throat
Step 8 wait or roam around the map
Step 9 tap yourself for a job well done in taming
Step 10 become the boss of the whole island (evil laugh)
Alright guys! Lord Fred saw that message you gave him. It’s time to tame a Carnotaurus!
Step 1: go locate a single one. It’s important because other ones will follow. DO NOT GO FOR A YUTY CARNO GROUP U WILL VANISH!
Step 2: this is a u can but u don’t have to. Build a trap with stone. It’s easy and leases the pain on u.
Step 3: tranquilize it. It is only tranq method.
And feed him and 123….. poof 💥 u tamed him!
If this gets pass 50, I’ll make one on a Rex. Signed, Lord Fred
How to tame carno
1 prepare
Tranq arrows (i would recommend bringing at least 20)
a trap (trap not needed if speed 200+)
2 locate
Carnos are easy to find i would recommend looking on beaches cuz on beaches there aren't many other threats
3 Tame
Shoot tranqs and lead into trap (or just run away from it) and keep shooting until unconscious
4 enjoy your carno
Thx for reading! If you liked it you know what to do!
DO NOT USE NORMAL BOLA, almost died due to a untrue tip
I don’t like building traps. So I just get on a rock. And shoot the thing
Taking a Carnotaurus is actually pretty easy if you have the right items! (For Mobile edition!)
1. Get lots of meat or prime meat (prime meat is faster)
2. Get a Tranq Bow and Narcotics
3. Trap the Carnotaurus in a large bear trap (craft 2 just in case it escapes the trap)
4. Feed the carno the meat and feed it the narcotics when the unconscious bar gets low
5. And done! You have yourself a Carno!
I highly recommend getting up high on a boulder or getting the carno stuck somewhere while knocking it out. Unless you are a high level, you will not be able to outrun it.
I use y trap on the carno and it work