ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

A poor man's Rex. Quicker and easier to tame. Good for smaller and lower level tribes to use as a Rex replacement until they can tame one.
More Carnotaurus Utility Tips
You probably have One of those guys On your base, but trust me, it was certainly a WASTE OF TIME! Seriously, you can think The bleed it causes is powerful, but ONLY IN THE FIRST HOURS OF GAMEPLAY. It Will be come useless when you tame your first Allo group. 100 hyped, but 2% useful. HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED.
Tamed carnos are excellent almost all around: their health, attack speed, and base damage allow you to take on most of the creatures on the island, including Rexes and Alpha Raptors. Having a mated pair greatly strengthens this quality. They run fairly fast and can carry a lot, making great transport mounts. They are a fairly good harvester of meat and prime meat.
Their only real disadvantage is a slow stamina regen, even when stood completely still.
Be careful raptors can pounce you off of them
4 words, donβt look behind u
They follow u forever
Itβs gonna get a TLC! Itβs gonna be a little better and can break through armor a little easier. Itβs gonna do a bleed attack, like the deinonychus and ravager.
It is sad to see the Carno for not getting too much love these days. Whenever I try to find mutated Carno videos, it only shows a few of them before showing off Rex, Thyla, basically everything else except the Carno, and I'm disappointed. Carnos are basically a nerfed apex predator. They have the power and health you would expect while being speedy as well. They are not too difficult to tame, just a simple knock out tame. Even though a TLC could spice things up a bit, I love it for what it is.
DEFINITELY a creature you need for early to mid game. I have a level 173 female that was tamed at level 100, it gained 40 levels so the 33 levels were me leveling it. I put a decent amount of attack and got her to 4000 hp. She makes quick work of EVERYTHING, I've taken on 4 different alpha raptors (not at the same time), she makes quick work of rexes, brontos, and like I said, alpha raptors. There is an alpha rex kinda sorta near my base in the forgotten lakes, imma try and kill it tmmπand also, be careful around the forgotten lakes, raptors, therizinosaurs, and alpha raptors will spawn near by. you all think the creator of this app should add a section for good base spots and stuff of that sort.
I got a carno with 1500% on melee
Best carno ever
Rated number one for gathering prime on wiki
Doesn't get stuck as easily as the larger carnivores