ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They are decent climbers, so be ready to jump off of your safe rock, because they will climb up and get you.
More Carbonemys Encountering Tips
If you accidentally punch one of these I recommend running to the nearest rock and slowly walking away behind it. The carbonemys will loose interest and walk away. This is because it won’t see you, But if it doesn’t work run away but what ever you do… DON’T SWIM AWAY!!! Carbonemys are giant turtles and turtles swim. They have really high health stats (if your a noob) and swim fast. Unless you have a fast swim mount or fly mount you can swim or fly over the water to escape.
I hope this helped!
Don’t even think about punching one of these guys
You just did before I said this didn’t you?
Secret : you can hop on there back even if they’re not tamed! Just jump on their back you get a free ride they don’t care!
They’re slow, but they will kill you if you’re a low level and you accidentally hit them. If new to the game and you wanna kill one, tame a dilo or two and have them attack it while you jab at it with a spear. Usually does the trick! Up for the newbies!
This is an awful animal to underestimate. When I first played the game, I thought I could kill one for easy meat and resources. The douche took 6 spears to the face, broke my leg, and speed-walked after me as I limped away. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE.
Their weak spot is their legs, noobs, hit the legs with ur bow/crossbow.
Oh yea if u want to KO one, slingshot them
The best way to kill one is to shoot them. Ranged weapons because they are very slow
Some people think this guy is powerful but they just annoy me and my friends like dodos,
So we kill them and feed them to our dinos the end.
1like= I’ll tame 2 and not kill them
👁👄👁 like rn
These guys are big turtles.When you hit it there go nuts on you.When I was a......noon I thought they run when you hit them so I hit one.I was like"I'm goanna wreck" your face and he was like"oh no you don't ".And it killed me.
New player? And being attacked by a pack of dilos?
Jump on a carbo and they can’t attack you!
Need them dead? Just get close enough so they bite you and the carbo and jump off and watch the magic happen (trust me I’ve done this multiple times)
If your new, hang out with these guys until you have a shelter. I did that when I was starting out and it saved me and my dodo from a scorpion.