ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Stories Tips
What are some stories about the broodmother lysrix? Memorable broodmother lysrix stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
The clash of the bio titans
Chapter fifteen (sorry about chapter fourteen, Aidan will get a new friend in the next story though.)
Aidan stared as the dragon stepped onto the silvery titans corpse, and looked around, all sorts of creatures were emerging from the forest around them. All sorts of creatures from titanomyrma to meganeura, from beelzebufo to diplocaulus, from kapros to sarcos and titanoboas, even araneo and arthros. All sorts of dinosaurs from dilos to raptors, from carnos to allos , barys to spinos, and yutys to rexes and gigas, iguanodons to parasaurs and diplos all the way to titanosaurs appeared as well. Pterosaurs from dimorphs to quetzals appeared, and creatures like sabertooths, wolves and mammoths appeared as well. It seemed like all the creatures of the island were appearing, and then, they bowed down to the dragon, and so did Aidan. The dragon let out a victorious roar, as all the creatures bowed before it.
Just faced this beast for the first time on a solo playthrough (im new to ark and have done one boss fight prior to this where me and company-a buddy and all of our wildly unprepared tames-were instantly annihilated) and this time i came prepared with a fully imprinted group of 2 megatheriums, 2 daedons, 2 bears, 3 therizos and a rex. No casualties just no food left in the daedons by the end, definitely worth bringing those bad boys along though they saved my rex for sure.
The clash of the bio Titans
Chapter thirteen (get ready for another Titan death)
Just as the dragon bio Titan was about to finish off the insect one, the giant silvery one appeared and knocked the dragon aside, allowing it to kill the insect one. It grabbed one of its front legs, and ripped it all off, it flipped over the giant insect and stabbed its soft underbelly, it hit right where the heart was, and destroyed it, the silvery bio Titan then pushed the leg in further, and completely skewered the insect Titan. It lifted up the leg, with the immense insect stuck on the end. It roared victoriously and spun around to face the dragon Titan, using the insect ones body as a bludgeon to strike it just as it was about to attack, knocking it backwards. The silvery one knew it was going to win, and approached the weakened Titan.
The clash of the bio titans
Chapter twelve (sorry about the gruesome death in chapter eleven, there’ll be a little bit more gruesomeness in this chapter, so get ready)
The dragon shoved one of its front legs into the gorillas chest, and pulled out its heart, before swallowing it whole (terminator reference). The dragon turned to the insect one and shot a bolt of lightning at it, knocking it backwards and burning it, it then blasted fire at it, setting its exoskeleton on fire. It roared gleefully and walked towards the wounded bio Titan, preparing to strike.
The silvery bio Titan stomped through the forest, destroying trees as it walked, it had managed to smell the other three bio titans battling, but soon caught the smell of death, and knew one was already dead. After a while of walking, it finally found the battlefield, it could see that the insect bio Titan was struggling against the dragon bio Titan, the most powerful of the four, and knew it was time to intervene.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter eleven (get ready for a gruesome death)
The huge dragon flew down to the battling bio-Titans, and dealt its first blow: it slashed open the gorillas back, causing it to roar in pain. The insect one lifted up a clawed front leg and stabbed it in the eye. The dragon like one then spat acid at its neck, dissolving some of the flesh. It then grabbed the gorillas head in one of its front claws, and ripped it off. The gorilla bio-Titans lifeless body fell to the ground, leaving only the dragon and the insect ones left standing, they then turned to each other, and continued the battle.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter nine (this is where it gets interesting)
The insectoid bio-Titan burst out of the ground, screeching angrily, it stared down at the small survivor house in front of it. Two survivors were running away from it, with a pair rexes and a ferociraptor following. The bio-Titan lifted up one sharp clawed leg, and crushed the house, before screeching happily. Suddenly, a Boulder came flying in its direction, striking it on the head, and causing it to scream in pain. It turned around, only to be hit over the head by a tree being used as a club by the gorilla like bio-Titan, which pounded its chest and laughed. The insect one attempted to claw the gorilla ones face, but it grabbed one of its legs and twisted it, before ripping off its foot and using it to slash through some of the exoskeleton on the side of its face. It screeched angrily, and got ready to strike again, but was interrupted by a huge, winged shadow appearing in the sky...
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter eight
Sam sat at the wooden table in his house, he was reading Aidans dossier book, and was surprised at how good it was. But then Aidan burst in through the door, making Sam jump.
“I’ve tamed a ferociraptor!!” He yelled.
“Are you joking!?” Sam shouted.
“No, come and see!”
“Alright then” as Sam walked outside, he thought about whether or not this was a silly joke, but then when he saw the blue ferociraptor standing obediently in front of him, he nearly fainted.
“ is this...possible” he asked.
“I don’t know, I just did it.” He replied.
“Wow” Sam exclaimed
“I know” Aidan said. Suddenly, there was a thunderous, rumbling noise, and an ear splitting screech that could be heard on the other side of the island.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter seven
“Wow, good kill.” Aidan said to Sam after he killed the ferocisaurus Rex.
“Thanks, I wish they weren’t here though.”
“Yeah, me too. Let’s get back home, before something else comes.”
As Aidan and Sam walked back home on the backs of their rexes, the dragon like bio-Titan was patrolling the skies, devouring all the creatures in the sky on its endless hunt for the others. The huge insectoid one burrowed through the ground, occasionally busting out to trample forests and tear apart all creatures in sight. And in the mountains, the huge gorilla like one wondered around, searching for the other two bio-Titans, destroying everything in its
path with giant boulders. But it was the huge, silvery one that caused the most destruction, levelling forests and tearing up fields. The four bio-Titans were beginning their hunt for each other.
Apex predator
Chapter six
Aidan yelped in pain as he was knocked off his saddle by the ferocisaurus Rex that had ambushed them, sharptooth tried to fight back, but was pushed to the ground. Aidan only just managed too jump out of the way as sharptooth landed with a thud, the ferocisaurus Rex standing over him. The huge creature grabbed hold of sharptooth’s neck and started to strangle the Rex.
Bigtooth charged the ferocisaurus Rex, knocking it backwards and causing it to let go of sharptooth. Sam unsheathed his blood blade and jumped from bigtooths saddle onto the ferocisaurus Rex, grabbing onto its head.
“Die you ugly lump!” Sam yelled as he thrust his blood blade into the giant creatures eye. The ferocisaurus Rex roared in pain, and fell to the ground, dead.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter five
Sharptooth head butted the giga’s side, knocking it backwards, and Bigtooth bit onto its neck, shaking it violently. The giga roared furiously at Bigtooth, but then Sharptooth appeared and smashed into it, knocking it over, and then finished it off with a bite to the neck.
“You did well!” Sam shouted to Aidan from his saddle on Bigtooth’s back.
“You did well too!” Aidan replied from the saddle on Sharptooth’s back. Shartooth and Bigtooth were Sam and Aidans rexes, and they were brutal and powerful ones too.
“Shall we carry on hunting?” Sam asked Aidan.
“Nah, let’s go home, have some rest.” He replied.
“alright then.”
And so the two brave hunters travelled back home on their rexes, not knowing what horrors were coming...
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter four
A carno patrolled the southern beach of the mysterious island, searching intently for food. The sand behind the carno seemed to get wet and mushy, but the area of beach it was on wasn’t very close to the sea, so the sand should have been dry. Suddenly, a silvery liquid started to bubble up out of the sand, and a large, silvery blob emerged from the sand. It transformed into a serpent like shape before wrapping itself around the carno, which roared in horror. The snake began to morph into a new shape, but the head of snake remained, staring down at the carnos horrified face, then, its head seemed to stretch forward and go straight into the carnos mouth! It soon began to fill the carnos body, while the shape continued to morph, eventually, the snakes neck became a long arm attached to the shoulders of a silvery headless figure with a long, lizard like tail. The head of what was once the silvery snake morphed into a large fist inside the carnos body, which was slowly dying. The figure unclenched the fist inside the dying dinos body, and spread its fingers wide, blowing the carnos body to pieces and causing blood and flesh to rain down on the beach. A reptilian head suddenly grew out of the figures body, which quickly grew in size. The creature stomped its foot and roared victoriously. A new bio-Titan was born.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter four
On top of the mountain range that Sam and Aidan had seen when they first came to the mysterious new island, there was a loud, thunderous rumble, and three giant creatures emerged from their prisons, the bio-Titans. A huge crack appeared in the tallest, coldest mountain, and a huge, gorilla like bio-Titan crawled out of the crack, thumping its chest and roaring victoriously. In one of the deepest caverns under the mountain, the cave wall cracked open, and a huge, insect like creature burst out of the ground, screeching furiously. In the crater of the mysterious island’s largest volcano, a huge crack opened, and a giant dragon like creature emerged from it, breathing blasts of fire, lightning and poison into the air victoriously. The three bio-Titans had emerged, and that meant the end of all life on the mysterious island as they hunted down and destroyed each other, wiping out everything in there paths.
The clash of the bio-titans
Chapter three
“I did it to save my life” Aidan told Sam
“But you really need to stop doing it!” Sam told him
“Because it won’t save your life if you jump into a river full of piranhas or sarcos, will it!?”
“Meh, I guess your right” Aidan said “I guess I’d probably die if that happens”
“Yes you will”
Aidan turned away from Sam, he was starting to get really frustrated with him, and honestly wanted to be alone for a while. Then he heard it, a screech that had haunted his dreams for six and a half years, the screech of a creature that had nearly killed him just over a year ago.
“SAAM!! Behind you!” Aidan yelled. Sam turned around, just a second before a ferociraptor jumped on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Aidan grabbed Sam’s sword and slashed the deadly creatures side, causing it to let go, but not before it stabbed its two middle toes on its right foot into Sam’s chest...