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You actually don't need any rexes in this boss fight. for the gamma I think about 10 high level megatheriums a yutyrannus and a daedon will work. For higer difficulties just get more megas and maybe a bother daedon. Before entering, set the daedon(s) and the yuty to ingnore group whistles, then make tame ordering groups with like 3 to 5 megas each. When you enter the boss fight set the daedon passice healing on (make sure it has a lot of food on it and upgrade food because healing uses its food) and tell the megas to attack. They will all get stuck behind each other so only 4 or so will be dealing damage. Then choose a tame ordering group and make them move to the side of the broodmother,then make them attack. They will start attacking from the side and won't get stuck up front.Keep doing that until your megas surround the boss. The tame you will want to mount is the yutyrannus and then spam the crouch button for the courage buff. Remember minions will ignore its fear debuff. Good luck

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